Chapter 21 - Thank You

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Meghan's POV

So my brand new album comes out!

And it's called Thank You it's dedicated to pretty much all my fans, friends, and family for letting me do what I love and letting me have this amazing experience in life and with my babies and baby on the way.

NØ was released a while ago and Ive released Me Too, Watch Me Do, and I Love Me.

And I'm so excited cause it comes out this Friday at midnight.


Tonight is the release night of Thank You & it's 10 pm and I cannot stay up any later so I went to bed and had Charlie stay up and go on my Twitter and Instagram and tweet when it's released.

And I'm also 16 weeks pregnant and I'm starting to get morning sickness and stuff which sucks but it's worth it in the end.

Charlie's POV

So it's about a minute before Meghan's album comes out in the US.

And I decided to be a good husband and take over her Twitter/Instagram cause she's way to tired to stay up late so I decided to.

"DADDY!!!!!!! MOMMY" I hear two little screams through out the house....great. They're up.

"Yes Charlotte, and Michael whatca need? And why aren't you guys asleep?" I say as I'm walking up stairs to their room.

"We want you and mommy" they both say at the same time.

"Mommy's asleep in bed. You can hang out with me. And mommy's album comes out. Do you guys wanna say a message into the camera cause it pretty much just came out."
I ask them.

"Yeah!" They both scream.

"Ok but first you guys have to be quiet mommy's asleep remember" I said as they both shook their head yes understanding that if they yell again that I might yell at them.

"Ok so let me get my camera out. And say 'Go get mommy's album!' When I count to 3 ok?" They both nod their heads saying yes.

"Ok 1, 2, 3 go" and I recorded them saying it.

"Perfect guys now let's go back to bed ok? Cause it's midnight and it's way past your guys' bed time" they both nodded their head meaning ok and they walked back and got into their little beds.

I went and tucked them in and told them to go to sleep.

And then I tweeted the video and also put it on Instagram. Then went to bed.


Meghan's POV

So like always I wake up early to this morning sickness. And since I was up already I got the twins up since it was about 7 am.

After I got them up I let Charlie sleep longer because he stayed up later and the only thing we have going on is a release party tonight for my album.

So since I was already up I'm super hungry so I went downstairs to go make breakfast for the twins and Charlie and I.

I was about half way done making breakfast when I herd a "DADDY!!!" I looked up and saw Charlie greeting Charlotte and Michael.

He came over to me and he wrapped his arms around my baby bump that barley shows and kissed my check.

"Good morning baby, how did you sleep?" He said as he was watching me flip pancakes.

"I slept amazing, what about you?" I told him as I was turning the griddle off and then taking all the pancakes off and putting them on separate plates.

As I was doing that Charlie went to grab glasses and orange juice and milk.

I grabbed also some blueberry's, strawberry's, & Banana's for mine and Charlie's pancakes. And then whipped cream for Charlotte and Michael.

I set the table and as Charlie was helping.


The day went on and Charlie's parents came over to watch Charlotte & Michael while we were at my release party.

I wore just a simple blue dress that showed off my baby bump and I wore a pair of sparkly sandals cause I cannot wear heals while pregnant cause my feet get super swollen and it doesn't feel great.

Anyways, I just put loose curls in my hair and put little makeup on so I didn't look dead cause I've so tired lately.

And Charlie just wore what he usually wears which was jeans and a white tee and a flannel and casual shoes to go with his outfit.

Once Charlie's parents showed up we left to the party.


We were the last ones to show up to the party and the people who planned this had it as a mini surprise party too.

As the party went on we had so much fun except I couldn't drink or get too crazy cause of the baby.

At the end of the party they brought out a cake with my album cover on it and they had huge candle's (kind of like how Charlie's was when his album released) I just got so happy I almost started crying cause I've worked so hard on this album that omg I'm just super happy.


After the party was older we got home to have the twins in bed which was a thank god moment cause we didn't have to do it.

We gave hugs to Charlie's parents and said thank you and they left.

Right after they left I went to go change into my pajamas and got into bed right away to such a successful day of my album release.


Hey guys, sorry it's been a while...

I've been super busy lately on trying to find a job and such. And I also just went to Shawn's show last night in SLC and let me tell you, it was absolutely amazing!!!!!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

And I'm thinking of starting to do mini Q&A's or like QOTD and then AOTD and you guys answer your answer in the comments or for Q&A you guys comments questions and il lander them!!

So just comment which I should start to do!!!

Love you guys!


Mr. and Mrs. Puth (Meghan Trainor and Charlie Puth - Marlie)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora