Chapter 13 - Meghan's birthday

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-2 1/2 weeks later-

Charlie's POV

So it's been about 2 1/2 weeks since my birthday.

So that just means it's Meghan's birthday!

I have the whole day planned out for us to do stuff.

So first of Mikaela, my mom, and Meghan's mom are all going out for a girls day and they're taking Charlotte and I'm keeping Michael here with me.

And Stephan, Ryan, Justin, and our dads are gonna go out and get a present for Meghan while I plan out night together with Michael.


Meghan's POV

So today is my birthday and it's started off pretty great.

I woke up to breakfast in bed, and screaming babies. But I'm used to that part.

Charlie made me some pancakes w/ strawberry's, banana's, and some chocolate syrup, and whipped cream for the top. It was pretty great and a side of coffee.

It was very delicious.

But anyways Charlie decided to have me, Mikaela, my mom, Charlie's mom and little Charlotte to have a girls day.

So right now I was driving me and Charlotte down to our local nail salon and meet up with the rest of the girls.

When I parked the car and got Charlotte out of the car I've noticed she's gotten so much bigger in just 2 1/2 months cause the twins will be 3 months on the 30th.


So I got my fingers re-done and got a pedicure.

Everyone in the nail salon absolutely loved Charlotte.

Cause she was wide awake the whole time and every time someone would make a funny face or do something funny she would just crack up which made everyone laugh it was adorable.

After the nail salon we went out for lunch.

Since me as the birthday girl I got to choose Panera Bread😍.

And let me tell ya it was freaking delicious!

Anyways we came home after that to see that Charlie was cleaning the house. Mostly cleaning up all the baby stuff.

"Babe I'm home!" I said walking in with Charlotte in my arms.

"Hey Meg, how has your birthday been so far?" Charlie said as he walked around the corner with Michael in his arms too.

"It was great you should've seen Charlotte at the nail salon she was cracking everyone up it was just to adorable" I said as Charlie gave her a kiss on the cheek then kissed me.

"I wish I would've come but we have a special night tonight babe" Charlie said as we both sat on the couch next to each other.

"Ok well what are we doing?" I asked.

"All I'm saying is we're going out for a little date just the two of us and either mine or your siblings are gonna stay home and watch the babies" Charlie said as he stood up and put Michael in his little play pin.

"Ok what time so I know when to get ready?" I asked as I also put Charlotte in her play pin.

"Um start getting ready now cause we're gonna go to the pier in about an or 2" Charlie said as I started walking up the stairs and I just replied shaking my head.


-2 hours later-

So right now Charlie and I were currently at the pier just having fun and riding rides and playing games.

We found a group of fans that were pretty cool and they came and rode on a few rides with us.

This is what I love about our fans. They're so humble and nice and I could seriously hang out with them like all day long.

After the pier Charlie took me out to dinner just the two of us. No paparazzi no fans nothing just us.

It was absolutely wonderful. Charlie made us a home made dinner of his own and we sat and ate on the beach.

It was perfect because this is like the only time Charlie and I have ever gotten alone time in the past 3/4 years with out lots of people yelling in our faces for pictures and flashing lights.

After we ate we went and hung out and played in the water for a while until we decided to go home.


When we got home both the babies were put in bed and Charlie's siblings were getting ready to leave knowing we would still like some alone time.

"Thank you guys so much for watching them we appreciate it!" I said as I hugged Mikaela and Stephan.

"No problem any time. And happy birthday Meg. Hope your had an awesome day!" Mikaela said and same as Stephan and they left.

"Here babe stay right there I'll be right back" Charlie said, ran up stairs to go grab something.

"Here I got u this" Charlie said and handed me a little box that said happy birthday written on it with a ❤️.

I opened it and it was a bracelet and on on if the charms it had a carving of  'M+C' and a little heart and all 3 birthstones even tho 2 of them are the same for the twins then of Charlie's and it wild also be mine and it had a little music sign too.

"Aww Charlie I love it! Thanks babe!" I said and gave him a kiss. And then had him put it on me.

"Your welcome babe, happy birthday I love you!" Charlie said and kissed me again then we both headed upstairs to check on the babies then get ready for bed.

After we got ready for bed we got in bed and laid there until we both fell asleep.


Hey guys so after what happened on Tuesday I recovered a bit and I'm good. So I had no broken bones I just had a slight concussion and I cut my finger open with some glass so yeah.

And my mom went out and replaced my phone for free which I'm happy about and when she took it in I had an upgrade so she got me the iPhone 6s!! And I love it!!!

Anyways......hope u enjoyed this chapter and I'm gonna start to update as much as possible again!

If u liked it don't forget to comment/vote!!

And if any of u have any ideas comment some!


Mr. and Mrs. Puth (Meghan Trainor and Charlie Puth - Marlie)Where stories live. Discover now