New years eve

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(A/N This is just a sort of filler. I will be improving this soon but I felt like writing something and this is what happened)


You and Sherlock had deliberated going to watch an actual fireworks show but decided against it. It was New years eve and you were welcoming in the new year so you wanted to do it your way which just happened to be sitting in soothing silence in the living room of 221b. Your home. The fire crackling slightly, emanating heat that wrapped you in soft velvety folds and relaxed you far beyond what you thought you'd be at the end of yet another impossible year of chasing a certain detective through London. Sherlock was in his chair reading a book on insects and plants that he'd received for Christmas earlier that month and, considering his usual demeanor, you were surprised about how much he treasured it. "Y/n?" he called your name softly from across the room as you brought the tea through from the kitchen. "Yes, Sherlock?" He smiled lopsidedly, almost tiredly, "Come sit with me, dear." He had placed the book on the arm, open face down and opened his arms for you. You smiled back at him and placed the two cups on the table at his side before turning back to him. "I might squash you." You frowned slightly, "Doubtful." He scoffed, "Sher-" You never even got to finish his name as he gripped your wrist and pulled you into his lap, wrapped his arms around you and buried his nose in your hair. As a result of this you were pressing your face into his chest and breathing him in, enjoying the fact that one of his hands was tracing patterns on your shoulder and the other buried in your hair alongside his face. He pressed a small kiss to your crown. "I'm glad we decided to not throw a party." You felt him sigh and the rumble of his voice reverberated through his chest and against your ear, drowning out his heart beat for mere seconds. "And why's that?" You questioned. "Because I get you to myself." Content with his answer you snuggled closer to him and he picked up his book again before reading aloud to you. There were all sorts of interesting facts and you spent the new year cuddled with an overly compassionate Sherlock, listening to his animated voice tell you about bees and every now and then him passing you your tea. It was perfect.


The dvd case dropped from your hands as a pair of arms snaked round your waist. "John! God you scared me!" His low chuckle sounded in your ear and you couldn't help it, he made you weak, you turned your head to the side and kissed him. "That was the idea love." Rolling your eyes a little, you turned around in his arms and playfully glared at him. "Thanks. I can really feel the love radiating off of you."

"Good. I do try." You let go of him and twisted round to pick up the forgotten film and showed it to him. He groaned. "We've already watched that how many times? Besides, we don't have time to watch a film. They'll be here soon." Pouting slightly, you sighed and placed the case back where it came from. "Great. Can't we just tell our families to come later? I mean there must be some excuse!" He had moved to the other side of the room, collecting your respective cups from earlier in the day, "And what do you propose we tell them to keep them away for an extra hour?" You shrugged, "Just tell them we're having sex or something." He appeared to choke slightly, "I think that would get us killed and make our mothers faint!" 

"They wouldn't dare to show up at the door for at least another hour or two though." His laughter floated through from the kitchen and you smiled to yourself, he did have the most beautiful laugh. In fact, he just had the most beautiful everything. Suddenly he appeared in the doorway again. "That is very true and very tempting. However Harry would never let me live it down." Once more, you wrapped your arms around him, "Well, I reckon we've got enough time before they get here. Not necessarily for a movie but I can think of something else." Both his eyebrows raised and an amused smirk found it's way onto his face, "I can imagine you can, little miss madam." Leaning up ever so slightly, you kissed him and from there worked your way down his jaw with your lips, loving the way his slight bristle felt. "You're a bad influence on me." In response, you simply hummed. You had now gotten to his neck, a sensitive area for him and knew that he was deliberating the time it would take and the time you actually had but he didn't quite get that far. He gave into your insistence and his lips found their way to yours again.

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