Chapter 1- Pool Of Blood

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I awake to the sound of ear-piercing screams coming from downstairs, I can tell by the scream I have grown up with, my mother. I quickly get up out of my bed and grab the knife I keep under my pillow for reasons like this. I swiftly run down the stairs to find my mother's body on the floor, a pool of blood surrounding her and my father looking down at her like she was rubbish someone had thrown on the floor. my hands go limb and the knife in my right hand falls to the floor, my father slowly turns his head to me and smiles. I want to scream but I can't speak or even breath, my vison goes blurred and I am engulfed in darkness the last thing I see is my father pick up the knife that had fallen to my feet and walk back over to my mother.

I wake up to find myself in a dark room, where am I? I can't see anything. I try to slow my breathing to keep calm but when I do so I can hear loud breathing, someone's hear with me. Suddenly the lights turn on and I see a women on the other side of the room, her hands tied behind her back, her hair as black as a raven. Her eyes rise to my face and I see two light blue eyes looking into mine. She tries to speak but her voice is muffled by the hand covering her mouth. I look up to see my father staring at me, a smirk appears on his face and he starts to cackle like a villain. I knew there was something wrong with my father but I didn't know that he would do something like this. Keep someone prisoner or kill, my mother. the women he supposedly loved. I feel something cold run down my cheek, I'm crying. The women looks at me, fear and sorrow I her eyes. My father lifts her off the ground and she screams in protest, I can't take it anymore, my father isn't going to hurt anyone anymore. I stand up off the floor and lunge myself at him, surprisingly he falls to the ground and doesn't move.

"Run!" I shout to the women, we both find a staircase leading upwards and we both start to climb them as fast as we can. Suddenly I hear someone shouting my name.

"Clary! You can either come back now or I will come and find you and believe me if I find you, you won't be her to see the sunlight tomorrow!" I start to shake and I feel a tight grip on my arm, I look up to see blue eyes, the women pulling me up the stairs. She looked around my age. What was she doing here? We finally made it to the top of the stairs. Without thinking I run to the kitchen but stop in my tracks to see a women on the floor, my mother, her red hair blending in with the blood that covered her body. My legs give way and I fall to the ground. I hear taping coming from the stairs, my father's coming for us. I stand up and run towards the kitchen drawers to find a knife. I run towards the house phone and point upstairs for the girl to go upstairs. We both quickly run upstairs to my bedroom and lock the door to save us some time I point the girl towards my wooden wardrobe in the corner my room and we both get in. I start to phone the police but my hands are shaking so violently I find it hard to press the buttons, I finally press the buttons and bring the phone towards my ear. Suddenly I hear loud bangs on my door, I look over to the girl facing me and the emotion on our faces are reflected in each other's eyes.

"Hello, 999 what's your emergency?" says a calm male voice on the other line.

I struggle to say anything "you have to help, my dad has just killed my mother and he is trying to kill me and another girl, we are in my bedroom in my closet, we are on 36, Mortal Road please hurry" I whisper so that only the man on the other line of the phone can hear me.

"Calm down love, now the police will be there as soon as they can" he sounds more intense and frustrated now. Suddenly I hear a huge bang like the door had been taken off its hinges, I look out of the small gap and see that my father had got into my room, shakily I quickly put the phone in my pocket but I don't disconnect the line so that the police officer can still hear what is going on. I hear footsteps approaching closer towards the wardrobe and the door swings open.

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