Chapter 8- Getting Ready

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Clarys POV

I woke up to the sound of loud banging on my door, it must be Izzy, no one can be that enthusiastic about today. I was right my door fly open and there stands a very stylish looking teenager, her hair was tied up into a ponytail, a red top, black jeans and a black leather jacket. Her makeup looked flawless, her cat eyeliner, sharp enough to cut someone's eye out and her lips the color of blood she looked so... dangerous. She runs into my room and jumps onto my bed next to me "why are you not ready yet? We're going in two hours!" She says with a worried look on her face "come on I can do your hair and makeup and you can borrow my cloths for today, it sure they'll fit you"

I stumbel out of my bad and over to the dressing table to see what time it was on my phone, 7 in the morning on a Sunday! "Iz its 7! im sure it won't take that long." I turn my attention back to her.

"Well you need a shower which will take you 10 minutes, I need to dry your hair and then straighten it which will take 30 minutes at least, find some cloths that will look absolutely gorgeous on you which will take another 30 minutes because it has to be perfect, and then do your makeup which will take around 30 minutes because I know you don't like makeup and you will keep messing it up by moving your head to much, so yeah hurry up before we are late!" She says pushing me out of my room and into the bathroom.

I wash my hair with a coconut shampoo and conditioner, I love the smell of coconut, it always reminds me of the time me and my parents went on holiday. I suddenly remember everything that happened and it hits me like a ton of bricks, I start to burst into tears after I had calmed down I get out and put the towel around me my wet hair dangling over my shoulders. I walk out of the bathroom the cold laminate floor freezing my feet. Suddenly I hear someone call my name, I can tell that golden voice any where, I turn around to see Jace running down the long corridor towards me, I clutch the towel tighter. Jace looks at me and smiles as soon as he sees that im wearing a towel, my cheeks start to burn.I notice that he's still in his pj's only he isn't wearing a top which makes me blush even more, I must be scarlet red by now. Great timing Jace, just great.

"Hi" he says after what felt like hours staring in each others eyes. "I see Izzy got you up extremely early this fine morning." We both start to giggle "so have you regretted saying that you would go shopping with her yet?"

"No actually, im rather looking forward for today" I say "why are you up this morning anyway?"

He looks at the watch on his right arm that I hadn't noticed was there "its 7:20, it's not that early." He turns his attention back to me.

"Crap, Izzy going to kill me. I was supposed to spend 10 minutes in the shower and ended up spending 20 minutes in it instead." I say "Iv got to go before Izzy kills you as well for making me even more late"

I turn around and start walking towards my bedroom "bye sweetie" I turn around and give Jace a confused look but he just shrugs and turns around walking the opposite way.

I walk into my room and Izzys sat on the bed giving me a death stare "where have you been? It doesn't take 20 minutes just to have a 'quick' shower!" She stands up and I see on my bed a black dress, it looks beautiful and classy. It's long sleeved and only shows a bit of my chest to hide my cuts. It looks like it would go just under Izzy but but it would go midthigh for me. "Well what was you doing?"

"I was talking to Jace" I turn my attention back to her and noticed she looked... excited?

"What did you say? Was he nice? What did he say?" She says walking towards me

"Wow Izzy so many questions" I say "he was fine, we just... talked that's all"

"Hmm what happened between you two last night? You've change, you seem more happy." She says whilst folding her arms with a questioning expression on her face.

"Nothing we just" i couldn't keep this from her, she's his sister and my best friend and I really want to talk about it with someone. "Kissed" she looks so surprised I feel like going under my covers and hiding because I feel so awkward right now.

"By the angel" I brace myself for some screaming "that's amazing, we're going to be sisters!" she says jumping up and down in her black 7 inch heals "has he said or done anything else like that?"

"Wow Iz, he called me sweetie before." she looks like she is about to scream

"Well it's a good job that I got the cutest dress I have for you to wear, now go and get dressed and then sit down so I can do your hair then your makeup, I'll have to go as fast as I can and you will have to try to not move we don't have that long left before Simon comes over and picks us all up" she says guiding me to the walk in wardrobe throwing the dress at me. After I put my cloths on I walk out and Izzy gasps her hand flying to her mouth, my first instinct is to go to the mirror and see what was wrong, did I have a stain on it? Is there a rip? But I get a shock as I look at my reflection. I look "beautiful" I hear Izzy say behind me. The dress showed my curves in all the right places and made my skin look slightly tanned, the dress showed most of my legs. I turn around to get her full approval but I see something black in her hands, a pair of 6 inch heals, I start to shake my head but she just guides me to my dressing table and sits me down. She pushes the shoes into my hands "put them on, trust me you'll look great"

"Izzy im not bothered of what they look like, im worried that im going to kill myself" but she just shakes her head at me, worried that she's going to torture me until I put them on so I do what she wants, I pit them on and stand up. They weren't that hard to walk in but they did hurt my toes. Im taller then I was but still not as tall as Izzy.

"Yay they fit, they were the smallest heels I could find so stop moaning. Now turn around, im going to do your hair and makeup now."

After what felt like hours of torture and nearly being stabbed in the eye by eyeliner and poisoned by perfume, Izzy finished. I looked in the mirror. Izzy had staighten my hair, it looked so smooth, she hadn't put a lot of my makeup on me probably because I couldn't stop moving. I had foundation, contour, blusher, mascara, eyeliner and a nude colour for my eyeshadow and scarlet red for my lips. "You look hot. Jace is definitely going to be lost for words." She says as she walks out of my room. I stare at her, mouth open. "Im going to go and get breakfast, come down when your ready" I look in the mirror for a last look and walk down the steps to see a shock.

It took the whole chapter for her to get ready lol. Im sorry but I had to add shower-Becky G. Please comment what you think is going to happen next and what you think about clace. Can't wait for tomorrow SHADOWHUNTERS EPISODE 3!!!
_Megan Elise Jackson xx

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