Chapter 9- Hallucinations

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I start to walk down the stairs and stop when I see a head of platinum blonde hair, my father, Valentine. I couldn't say anything or do anything. I was terrorfied. I see a flash in his hand, a knife dripping with blood. He starts to walk forward and rise the knife to my neck, finally all the terror that was stored inside of me was let out by a loud scream, I fall to my knees and place my hands over my eyes, scared that if I did open them I would regret it instantly. I suddenly hear loud footsteps coming up the stair and people shouting my name, I could instantly recognise their silk voices, Izzy, Alec and Jace. I felt strong arms pull my hands away from my face, they successed. I could feel my cheeks soaking wet from all the tears I had released. I look up to see Jace looking down at me, his face looked scared and worried at the same time. I notice that my father wasn't there anymore, I most have imagined it but it felt so real I could feel the blade dig into my skin.

"What just happened, Clary whys there blood on your neck?" Alec said from behind Jace, did it really happen, was my father really there about to kill me. I couldn't answer so I just shrugged, I couldn't tell them what happened. It would either scare them away or make them even more worried then they already are. Suddenly the phone starts ringing and we all jump from the scare, izzy runs towards it so that she doesn't miss it. She stands there for a couple of minutes, she points the phone in my direction

"It's for you" I stand up and slowly make my way towards the phone, the only people that know I'm living with the Lightwoods are the police but why would they call. I take the phone out of her hand and notice that my hands are shaking. I couldn't stop. I raise the phone to my ear and start to speak everyone stood around me, I feel a tight grip on my shoulder and begin to feel more calm, is this what it feels like to have a normal family...


Sorry this one is so short but I thought it would be good to end the chapter there, who do you think the person is on the other line. Please comment what you think and if you get it right I will give shout outs
It's about 23:36 now and I am so tired after a long day at school ☆
_Megan Elise Jackson

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