Chapter 12- The Husky, Sky

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As soon as we get to Taki's I realise that there will be sixteen of us sitting around one table, this will be fun. I notice a guy in a sparkling suit and I instantly know who it is, Magnus and so does someone else. Bella starts running to the table at which Izzy, Magnus, Alec, Simon, and I think Jordan.

"Magnus, what are you doing here, I haven't seen you in ages." Bella says hugging Magnus, he looks shocked. She let go of him and hit him on the arm. "where have you been" he just shrugs and turns to everyone else that looked even more shocked as he did.

"This is my sister Bella" he says, turning his attention back to his sister "sit down Bella your attracting attention from the whole café" Bella and the rest of us sit down around the table. Luckily there was a table big enough to fit sixteen people. "How have you and mum been Bella" he says

"We've been fine, mum got a new job and I'm getting better at the guitar everyday, even panic at the disco have asked me to be there guitarist whilst they are touring, anyway enough about us what about you, what have you been doing all these years?" she says, wow last time I had seen her she only played guitar for two weeks, but now panic is asking her to tour with her!

"Wow that's amazing, I didn't know you played guitar" he said, Bella just shrugged. "Iv been with Alec for about three months now" he said pointing to Alec.

"Hi" he said looking extremely uncomfortable. Bella extended her hand and he began to shake it. She gives him a kind smile. I remember when I was with my ex, Bella went over to him and told him that he better treat me right or else he will have her to answer to, of course the relationship didn't go as planned. I'm surprised that she's not doing the same with Alec, probably because Magnus has a huge smile plastered on his face. He was happy. I didn't know Magnus has a sister." they both turned to face Magnus, if looks could kill he'd be dead. he held his hands up to surrender and they both simply sighed and they all started talking to each other, Alec, Magnus, Bella, Nicky and Elise.

I had lost interest in there convocation's about how Alec and Magnus had met, they both met in a club called pandemonium that Magnus was hosting, it had been love at first sight and how Bella remembered she found a slug in the garden when Bella was 4 and Magnus was 6 and that she named Magnus the slug because she thought it looked like him as a joke.everyone started to laugh but I started to think about the day and I suddenly remembered what had happened this morning and I felt the tears in my eyes threatening to spill out, I suddenly feel a hand grab mine and I turn to see Jace looking at me sympathetically "Are you okay" he mouthed to me and I suddenly feel a lot better, I shouldn't worry about the past the way I am now. I have amazing friends that will always be there for me Izzy, Alec, Magnus, Simon and all the girls that I have known most of my life. I nod back to him but Ronnie must have noticed

"Aww you two are so cute, how long have you been together?" she said looking curious

Me and Jace both look at each other and then back to Ronnie, before I could speak Jace beats me to it "actually, officially this morning." he said, he looked very comfortable now talking about our relationship, probably because he had a full convocation with the girls about how much they all loved twilight and big hero six. Yeah Jace loves Baymax and so does Sue, that got him in her good books after she nearly gave him a speech about hurting him and that they would all chase him.

"Aww that's soon but it looks like you two have been together for ages the way you both look at each other, there's a real connection between you two." I start to blush at what Ronnie said and I look over to Jace and his cheeks were going a light pink as well, wow we must look like we had splat paint on our faces. "so what are you planning on calling your first child?" I snap my head around to Ronnie and she simply shrugs, everyone else was looking at her like she had just asked me if she had just asked me something extremely personal, which she kinda had. "What I was just asking, personally I like the name Sky, I actually called my husky dog that, mind you he was a teddy." everyone burst into fits of laughter at what she had said, eventually she joined in. Everyone in the diner looked over to our table and we instantly stopped laughing, scared that we would be thrown out in a heartbeat.

A women, her badge said that her name was Kaelie, walked over to our table and took our orders, I got a strawberry milkshake and pancakes with honey all over the top of it, it looked delicious now I know why Jace wanted us to come to this specific diner. In the corner of my eye I saw Kaelie wink at Jace, I probably was just being paranoid then suddenly I feel an arm go around my shoulders and I hear Kaelie sigh and her heels stomping on the floor as she walked away. I suddenly feel lips hit my cheek and look over to Jace, did he just kiss me on the cheek in the middle of the diner in front of all my friends, hey I wasn't complaining. He took his arm off my shoulder so we could continue eating. Everyone on the table must have noticed and the room was filled with awes. I could feel my cheeks burn again. After we had finished our meal we all say goodbyes to the girls and i watch them turn the corner, I missed them so much after I left school.

Me, Jace, Alec, Magnus, Izzy and Simon all start walking back to the cars on the other side of the shopping centre with our bags, out of all of us Iz was the person with the most bags, shoes, cloths makeup, name any accessory its in one of the 12 bags. suddenly I feel a tight grip around my waist, I look up to see two golden eyes looking down at me, every time I looked into them heavenly eyes I felt calmer then I was. "You okay, you've been stuck in thought most of today" he says as he goes to kiss my forehead.

"Yeah I'm fine" I say to him but I can tell in his eyes that he was convinced "I just was thinking about how amazing today was"

"I know it must be magical to spend the whole day with yours truly" he says with a smirk, I lightly hit him on the chest with my free hand and we both start to laugh. The others turn around and look at us with smiles spreading across their face and I see Izzy wink at me, mission complete now leave us be.

When we get to the cars I get into Jace's, it smells like lemons and mint. It smelt glorious. On the way home I start to wonder and before I could stop myself the question escaped my mouth "why me Jace?" He looks at me with a confused expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" He replies

"I mean why do you like me, I'm not beautiful, talented or brave so why?" I say curiosity taking over.

"Clary you are beautiful, the first time I met you I thought that you was the most beautiful girl I had ever met with your fiery hair and emerald eyes that mesmerised me every time I saw them. You are talented, I saw the sketch of your mother it looked incredible and Iv heard you sing In the shower and you wasn't that bad. Your brave because your looking to the future, that's braveness. I couldn't do that when my father died, I pushed everyone away that tried to help me, the care home, the police even the Lightwoods. So don't ever say that your not any of them things because you are beautiful, talented and brave you just can't see it yourself." I haven't noticed that we had stopped outside of the Lightwoods house. Jace was looking at me straight in the eyes and I could feel my heart skip a beat. No one had ever called me any of those things but my mother. He's right maybe I can't see it myself but he sees it in me. Suddenly I feel his lips crash against mine and we sit there kissing each other until we hear a knock on Jace's window, great busted again by Izzy I think to myself, we pulled apart and I see a face I can never get out of my mind, Valentine.

Dunn Dunn Dunn!
So what do you think is going to happen next? Please let me know by commenting. My friend weronika aka Ronnie loves husky and the name sky and she does actually have a teddy husky called sky so I thought I would add it in.
This chapter took me forever to make even though it's not even that long, I think it took me around 3 hours to make but of course I had my phone with me so I was talking with my friends and going on snapchat and instagram...
Anyways thank you all so much for reading my stories it makes my day and you all get a high ten from me!
By the way I really recommend listening to Jasmine Thompsons cover of demons by imagine dragons and Monsters by Ruelle... Thanks again ☆
_Megan Elise Jackson

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