Chapter 2- From Strangers To Family

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The door opens and I close my eyes, I hear a scream from beside me, I open my eyes as fast as a bullet and see that the black haired girl was being lifted from where she sat by her long hair. I couldn't move, or say anything I was in shock, I didn't even know this girl or why she was here but I felt I had to protect her from my sick father. After what felt like time was in slow motion I spoke up. "Why are you doing this?" I look up to face my father all the shyness gone out of my body as I see his face, anger.

"Why don't you know Clarissa? I hate your guts. Ever since you was born I hated you. Its your fault your mother is died, If you was never born, me and Jocelyn would be happy and no-one would get in our way!" at the beginning he sounded, calm. However when he got to the end he was shouting I flinched at his ear-piercing voice. This was the first time I have heard him sound so angry. Suddenly I saw something flash in his hand, a knife. He puts it up towards the girls neck. "You have two choices, you can let this girl die or you can sacrifice yourself so she can live." he turns his attention back to me.

I couldn't let this girl die if there was a chance she could get out of this alive. "Fine, just let her go, its me you want she doesn't have a part in this." he slowly lowers the knife from her throat and I see a red line across her neck, blood. she quickly runs towards my side from the other side of the room. Suddenly my father throws himself on top of me and slashes the knife down my arm and my chest, this is it I'm going to die. He stops, I open my eyes to see two police officers holding him on the ground and putting hand cuffs on him. Two hands pull me off the ground with the care you would look after a porcelain doll. My vision suddenly goes blurred and I find it hard to concentrate on the man in front of me, all I could make out was his figure, he was as tall as my father.

He was saying things to me but I couldn't hear him properly. It felt as if I was under water, I couldn't breath and every noise around me sounded muffled. The corners of my eyes were slowly going black and I was eventually engulfed in darkness again.


My head hurt and so did my body, I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was surrounded by white walls and wires coming off of my body I followed them to their origin, they was attacked to a machine next to the bed I was in, I'm in a hospital. suddenly I see unfamiliar faces around me apart from one, the girl I was with when my father did all those horrible things. Her face looked worried and excited at the same time, I noticed that she was holding my hand. All the other faces looked just like the same but more excited. There was a man and a women, the man looked as if he was going to jump in the air for joy, he had brown hair and brown eyes. The women looked exactly like the girl that is sitting next to me still holding my hand, the same long black hair and blue eyes only she looked older, she must be her mother.

I try to sit up but instantly regret it as my chest and my arm stings, I find two hands gently pushing me back down on the pillow. "You have to rest, after what you went through you deserve it." the girl that is sitting on my right says to me with a weak smile on her face. "I'm Isabelle by the way, Isabelle Lightwood but everyone calls my Izzy for short." I smile at her for her kindness "What's your name?"

"Clary Fray, its nice to meet you." I say even though every word is like shards of glass are in my throat. "Please could I have some water?"

The women standing over Izzy walks over to the corner of the room and pours some clear water in a small cup and walks back over to hand the cup to me. The water tastes glorious as it goes down my throat and I already feel a lot better. "I'm Maryse Lightwood, Isabelle's mother and this is Luke the police officer that saved you from your father." She says pointing to the man on her left.

"Hi" I wave to them both. These people are strangers but for some reason I fell I have known them all my life. "What happened?" I ask. "After I fainted" Maryse and Luke both look at each other and then turn their attention back to me.

"After you fainted Luke carried you into an ambulance with Isabelle, and your father was taken away by the police to the station for interrogations, the police wanted to come and ask you a few questions so Luke offered to do so when you would wake up out of your sleep and to check and see how you was doing, then Isabelle called me and told me what happened, I'm sorry no teenager should have to go through what you two went through" she said shaking her head, I'm sure she was crying but I couldn't tell because in the process of talking she had walked over to the window not so far from the bed.

Soon after awkward silence a doctor walks into the room with a white coat on and a clipboard and pen in his hands "Good morning Miss Fray, I'm your doctor Dr. Morgenstern. I just have a few questions for you about how you feel. First question, How does your arm and chest feel? Do you feel any pain?"

"Yes only a little when I move other then that I feel ok" I say to the doctor, his head starts to nod. He asks me a few other question on what happened and then he got to the question I had no idea how to respond to.

"Is there any other family member or friend you can stay with?" I struggle to say anything, after a few moments he looks up from his clipboard and takes off his glasses. He was about to say something when Maryse beat him to it.

"I'm sure there is room in our house for one more person to stay for a while, what do you think Clary? would you like to stay at the Lightwoods home?" I nod franticly, I'm so thankful to now know a kind family like the Lightwoods. I am so speechless at their hospitality. Isabelle starts to giggle and I look at her and start laughing myself. "That's settled then, when can she leave this hospital?" Maryse says with a huge grin spreading across her face.

"She can leave now. There are no worrying signs that she needs medical help, however you need to take tablets twice a day to stop the pain of the wounds, other then that she's good to go." the doctor says as he stands up and extends his hand to me, I shack it. "It was very nice meeting you Miss Fray" he says with a smile and walks out of the room taking his clipboard with him.

The Unknown Truth. (Completed TMI/Shadowhunters)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ