Chapter 17- Jace's POV.

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Jace POV

I suddenly feel Clary fall weak in my arms and slide out of them towards the ground "Clary!" I knee at her side and notice that her eyes and her hair are turning as black as night, there was no more red hair and emerald green eyes, what is happening to her? She begins to shake uncontrollably "Clary!" I hear loud footsteps coming towards the room and am suddenly pushed back by Maryse.

"Get out all of you!" I notice that Alec and Izzy are standing behind me with terrified looks on there faces. Not one of us move, its like we were frozen to the ground and couldn't move a muscle. We was all snapped out of our trance by Maryse, her hand shaking violently "Now!" I am pushed out of the room by Izzy and Alec.

We stand in the hallway in silence for what felt like hours but was only nineteen minutes, I know this because I kept checking the clock that hung on the wall opposite me that made it feel even longer. "This is all my fault, she said that she was dizzy but that she was fine. I should have done something" I put my hands over my eyes not being able to see the disappointment on my brother and sisters face and sit down on the chair outside of Clary's door, I can hear her screaming and a lot of things breaking and smashing. It takes all the power I have to not burst through the door and hold her in my arms but if I do then I don't know what will happen and that terrifies me. I feel two hands pry my hands away from my face and see Izzy standing in front of me, she looked alarmed and I notice tears run down her cheek, smudging her makeup.

"Listen, this is not your fault. what would you have done?" she says.

"I don't know but I would have done something, anything."

"Jace there was nothing you could do, we don't even know what's going on. Did you see her eyes and her hair?" I nod "we don't know what is going on"

"Izzy's right, for once in her life" Alec says standing next to Izzy. she slaps him on the arm. "ouch iz, that hurts. anyway what I'm trying to say is this could have something to do with what mother told us before, I think that shocked all of us and what's happening to clary could have something to do with shock."

"Of course Alec because everyone's hair and eyes change colour when they get shocked. The thing is though she didn't act that surprised when she found out, she was taking the news surprisingly well." Izzy explained whilst pacing the width of the corridor which was five steps. She started to bite her nails which she only does when she's thinking.

"I could hear Clary's thoughts she was saying something about why her mother would stay with her father if he was a danger to her daughter and herself.. She shouldn't have to go through all of this, no one should. I think she was just trying not to cry because i know that if she crystal she wouldn't be able to stop and she would be heartbroken." I was interrupted by the door creaking open to reveal a tired looming Maryse. Her hair was every wear and her makeup was all over her face.

"She's fine she just needs to rest" she said as she began to walk down the hallway. That's it, after what felt like hour of waiting to see what was happening and not getting an explanation.

"Maryse I know there something your not telling us so spill." I said the sound of my voice made her stop in her tracks before she was out of sight, her shoulders tensed and she gave out a loud sigh.

She turned to face us and I have a feeling that we will not like what she has to say. "Your right iv not been truthful. But you have to understand that I did it for your own protection. The truth is that Valentine has been working with demons" she must have saw the confusion and shock on our faces "I know what you going to say and you have to believe me, yes demons are real and they will stop at nothing to get to clary."

My heart suddenly drops, they are after clary. "What does this have to do with Clary and why is Valentine working with demons?" I say trying to keep my inside voice.

"Before I told you that Clary has the power to read her true loves mind, well clary can do more then that. She can place things in her drawings using her hands, heal those around her and heal herself which explains how her stab wound healed so fast. Her mother could do this also but she dindt have healing powers, Clary is the only person that can do that which makes Valentine hate her more. When her mother found out that Valentine was working with the demons and planing on killing everyone that took care of our kind. She knew she had to do something to stop him so she did the bravest thing someone could in her position, she stayed. She knew this would endanger her life and her child's but she stayed so she could get the one thing that could interfere with Valentines plans, The mortal cup. The cup supposedly made humans into shadowhunters like me, your father, Clarys mother and father and yourselves and Clary. We have the power to protect human life and kill demons" that's it my mother has gone crazy, demons, shadowhunters, the mortal cup. "I know what you must all be thinking but you have to believe me when I say this, Clary is in danger and we need to protect her in the best way possible, to fight. The demons want Clary because her mother stole the cup and hid it somewhere, the only person that knows about its whereabouts is Clary but she doesn't remember, recently Valentine has somehow escaped from prison again and I think that his next move will to get to Clary"

I suddenly tensed at her last sentence as it replayed in my head and anger started to boil inside of me. "Okay mum, I think you need to go and lay down, the police won't let Valentine out of their sight so how could he manage that." Izzy said from beside me.

"Children I'm telling you the truth, what you saw in there was Clary nearly dying because she can't control her powers properly." Maryse said. "I will train you to fight and together we can fight of these villains. We start tomorrow at 6am. You should all go to bed and rest, you all need it. And don't worry Clary will be back to her bubbly self tomorrow, I will explain to her tomorrow." She said as she walked down the hallway towards her room and I hear the door close shut.

I say my good byes to Izzy and Alec who look equally shocked. I stand at the door and feel a sense of frustration. Why was alk thus happening to Clary, she doest deserve this, not after everything she's been through. I slowly open the door and see Clary lying on her bed. Her hair was back to its original colour and I sigh in relief. I walk over and kiss her forehead. "Don't ever do anything like that to me again, I love you Clary" I said and I saw the corners of her mouth turn up. She looks so peaceful and innocent when she sleeps. I lay down on the floor and fall into a deep sleep.

Hi thanks for reading. Please comment what you think. :-)
Shout out for mortalinstruments12 you made my day, I really recommend reading her stories, really good. ♥♥♥
Song- power of love.

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