Chapter 13- Jace's POV

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I could hear a loud bang on my window and I turn around to see an inflamed face looking right at me, who is this guy and whys he looking into my car whilst I'm kissing my girlfriend? I turn back to look at Clary and she's shaking uncontrollably, I could tell that she was terrified by her eyes. I could see one single tear run down her face and I knew, Valentine. Rage burned my throat, how dare he show up here, he's never going to touch Clary ever again, not if I can help it. Without a second thought I get out of the car and rise my fist towards his face, he doges and throws one towards my face, I swiftly dodge the hit and run towards him pinning him face down on the cars bonnet. I hear Clary get out of the car slowly and I hear Izzy shout my name then she notices who it is and stands frozen to the spot. Alec and Jordan run over towards me and helps me with valentine but somehow he gets free and lunges towards Clary, I something reflecting the light of the light post. A knife.

"Clary!" I shout to her but it was to late she dropped to the ground and I saw a pool of blood soaking her dress and the floor, I run over towards her whilst the others secure valentine so he couldn't move again. I could tell she was trying extremely hard to keep her eyes open, she looked at me and started to speak.

"Jace, it hurts" she said trying not to scream as she spoke, I could see tears role down her face. it killed me to see her hurt. 

"I know babe, but your going to be fine. Just keep looking at me." I could tell she was badly injured from all the blood on her skin. I turn to see everyone standing, staring at us. "someone call an ambulance" I turn my attention back to Clary and notice that her eyes were closed. I pull her towards me and hug her. "please Clary, don't leave me, not when iv just found you" ear piercing sirens sounded behind me and I felt two strong arms pull me away from Clary and I fight back 

"Jordan help me!" it was Alec. I  suddenly hear someone running towards us and another set of hands hold me back. 

"Every one stop, what's happened?" a strong female voice says, Maryse. I turn to look at her and she looks oblivious to what had just happened on the front of the house. her face turns to Clary as the paramedics carry her into the ambulance, they better not hurt her. I see her face turn from anger to worried "is that Clary?" I nod my head and she runs towards the ambulance, she get there in a few seconds and I see her jump into the ambulance gesturing for us to get in our cars and follow. we all sprint towards our cars and drive off following the ambulance. I couldn't stop thinking about Clary I felt like I was going to explode, the police had taken Valentine after the ambulance got to us. I sear if the police and Maryse wasn't there I would have killed that bastered for what he had done to Clary, I just hope she's okay.

After driving to the hospital for about five minutes, I jump out of the car running towards Clary. She looked to innocent, her scarlet hair standing out in the darkness. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, I hadn't felt this kind of pain ever since my father died. I've never really felt any pain since them until I met Clary, I only met her yesterday but I feel like I've known her all my life. She's changed my life so much and all she had to do was smile. She's the first person that had ever made me feel like I had something to live for, and now she might not even see sunrise tomorrow, I swear if she pulls through this I'm never letting her out of my sight ever again. We all rush into the hospital and Clary is taken into a room away from us all, out of reach again. 

We sit there for an hour waiting for someone to give us news of how she is, nothing. No one had come to say one thing to us about her health. Magnus was sitting down with Alec trying to comfort each other and so was simon and Izzy, Maryse went out to get fresh air and Jordan was outside smoking. I couldn't sit down, I had to much on my mind. 

"Jace please stop pacing your just making everyone feel more worried." she said I could tell she was pretty shaken up from seeing Valentine, her cheeks were red and wet with tears. I nodded and sat down on her left taking her free hand. I might not want to sit down, but I will for Iz. suddenly a man in a white jacket walking straight towards us, everyone else must have noticed because we all stand up in sync. 

The room was full of question, when can we see her? is she okay? why has no one come sooner? 

he looks unaffected by all the questions that are being thrown at him and starts to speak "the operation was success" everyone sighed in relief "but she lost alot of blood so she might feel extremely weak for the next few days, she's currently a sleep but one person can go and see her" I see in the corner of my eye that everyone has turned there attention towards me

"Jace, she'd want you with her" Izzy said, tears still running down her cheeks. 

I nod and follow the doctor towards the room Clary's in, she lay in the bed on the back wall, the colour drained from her cheeks and her eyes firmly shut. I would have thought that she was asleep if it wasn't for the bandage covering her stomach. the doctor nodded to me and walked out, shutting the door as he went. I slowly walked over to Clary's bed and sat down in the chair next to it, I sit there for a few moments looking at her face, thankful that she was still breathing. I took her hand and looked down at my feet and began to talk "you probably cant hear me now but I have to say this, I said to myself that if you pull through, I would tell you how much you mean to me. when I met you I thought that you was the most amazing person I had ever met, like seriously your smile melted my heart." I smiled to myself remembering that moment. "I had only just met you and I felt that I could trust you with anything, it took me years to trust the Lightwoods enough to tell them what happened to my father but it took me three hours to be able to tell you. when you was on the ground earlier this night I felt like a piece of my heart was ripped out of my chest, I wanted valentine to pay for what he had done. what I'm saying is that I will always protect you and if you ever want to talk about anything I'm here for you, even if you have an outfit crises I'll be there even if I wont be any help, what I'm trying to say is I love you Clary" I suddenly feel a tight grip on my hand, my head snaps up to see Clary looking back at me.

"I love you to" she said with benevolent eyes.

Hey guys, so what did you think of this chapter? I kinda struggled writing this one because its from Jace's POV and not Clary's but I did enjoy it. If you have any suggestions on music to put at the top please comment. My friend aimeeloves5sos said that i should listen to centuries by Fall Out Boys so I did and I love it! Thanks Aimee. Anyway thanks for reading it means alot to me cant believe iv got over 200 views altogether!

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