Chapter 10- Caught In The Act

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"Hello?" I say with a shaky voice. After a few seconds I start to worry. "Hello who's there?" No response only loud breathing I look around me to see that everyone was staring at me.

"Hello clarissa." I dropped the phone on the floor and by this point I was shaking intensely, that voice sounded so familiar to me, it sent shivers down my back immediately, my father. I look down to the floor and nearly ran to my room if it wasn't for the strong arms holding me where I stood. They turn me around to find golden eyes looking at me worryingly, Jace. I want it to be like it was last night when he was holding me in his arms, I felt safe then. Not anymore, now I feel petrified to the point I couldn't move.

"Clary who was that?" I couldn't look him in the eye scared that if I did I would be engulfed in endless crying. He turns to Izzy "who was it Izzy?"

Izzy shakes her head viciously "I don't know I didn't recognise the voice I thought it was the police saying something about valentine, they didn't say who they were they just said 'is clarissa there?"

Jace turns his attention to me and lifts my head up so that I had no choice but to look at him "listen to me clary, was that Valintine" before I could answer Alec spoke

"Don't be stupid Jace, he's locked up in prison"

"Shut up Alec" he shoots Alec a death stare and in response Alec takes a step back, Jace turns his attention back to me again, I couldn't speak, I nodded instead. There was gasps all over the room. Suddenly the phone starts to ring, everyone jumps again and look at the phone at my feet. No one moved apart from Jace, he picked it up and started to speak with anger all over his face "I swear if you ever try to hurt clary or Isabelle I will personally find you and" he stopped speaking as if someone had cut him off. He put the phone down and placed it on the table next to him.

"It was the police, they said that Valentine had knocked out the police officer and had somehow gotten out of prison. They said that they will send out a search party to try and find him, they recommended that we stay at home." He said as he looked to me, he walked over and hugged me suddenly there was a loud bang at the door, me and Jace broke apart and Alec walked to the door out of sight. I could still feel Jaces hands around my waist. It was comforting to have someone watch over me, literally Jace is so tall, I had only just noticed.

Alec walked in with two teenage boys, one of them looked familiar but the other, I had never met, suddenly I felt a gust of wind go past me and the next thing I know was Izzy was hugging Simon. She was so fast it's like she has powers.

"Clary this is Magnus Bane, my boyfriend" I didn't know that Alec was gay. I take a good look at Magnus his hair was nearly the same as Alecs but had a slight tint in it, his eyes a unique shade of yellow they reminded me of cats eyes and he wore a sparkling blue suit on and blue shiny shoes. I hold out my hand to shake his hand but noticed that I was still trembling so I move my hand back to my side.

Magnus must have noticed because he began to speak "Whats wrong sweetie you look terrorfied, what happened" he asked looking at me then to Alec. Alec looked at me and I nodded my head for confirmation that he could tell Magnus. After he had told magnus what had happened magnus turned to me "I'm so sorry sweetie no one should have to go through that, wasn't you all supposed to go shopping, I think it would be good to get out so you can at least forget about what happened for a short time. Me and Alec could come to so you can feel more protected."

I nod my head he was right I need to be able to feel normal for a while, I can face reality another time but today was mine and my friends day to get away from everything that has happened. No one's going to stop that from happening not even valentine.

"O and your outfit looks incredible" says magnus.

Suddenly Isabelle walks over to me and puts her hand on my shoulder "doesn't she, but I think that I need to redo your mascara" she says with a laugh dragging me away from Jace and upstairs into her bedroom.

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