Chapter 11- The Protectors

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After me and Jace had finished looking in the art shop, we went to go and look for Izzy and the rest of the guys but we saw something that nearly made me jump for joy, my friends from my old school that I moved from after what happened when my dad killed my mum and tried to kill me and Izzy, the police thought that it would be a good idea to move to another school so that my father couldn't track me down. There stood my old friends Anna, Ro, McKenna, Maia, Bella, Sue, Ronnie, and Elise and Nicky the twins. they all carried shopping bags in each hand.

"Clary!" Sue shouted to me dropping her bags on the floor, everyone in the shop turned around and looked at her, chill people its not a library, it wasn't like Sue cared anyway she was one of the most confident people I know. She started running towards me and nearly knocked me over if it wasn't for Jace holding my back so I wouldn't fall. "long time no see!" She said after she let me go. "where have you been, we've all been trying to call you" She says her expression turning to rage. All the girls looked at me like I had offended them all.

"Sorry, my phone broke so I couldn't contact any of you" I say hoping they will believe that I wasn't just avoiding them asking questions, It really hurt these past few days not being able to talk to them but at least I had Izzy and now Jace. "What have you been up to, I heard that you met Panic at the disco Bella and I also heard that you got a boyfriend Nicky, Daniele wasn't it?" I turn my attention to Bella and then to Nicky. I see in the corner of my eye Elise saying something that sounded like demon and then Nicky started to laugh.

"Sorry, Elise really doesn't like him because he's not acting like a 'proper' boyfriend" Nicky says looking back to me.

"Well he's not, he hasn't even kissed you yet and he only says I love you over text. If I was with someone I would want to be with them 24/7 and say I love you every time we see each other and every time we say goodbye" Elise says, I swear she is a hopeless romantic even tho she has never been on a date once in her life. she also gives the best relationship advice, probably because she has never had her heart broken before by someone she loved. all the girls in the room, including me, filled the room with awes. I see Jace in the corner of my eye trying his best not to laugh. Elise must have noticed as well because she turned her attention to Jace "and who's this clary" she turns her attention to me, I open my mouth bracing myself for the most awkward explanation ever when Jace beats me to it.

"I'm her boyfriend" Jace says putting his arm around my waist. and extending his free hand towards Elise "Jace, Jace Wayland." Elise accepts his hand and shakes it.

All the girls give him a death stare especially Anna and Ro. I swear Jace better brace himself from an ear full of them, they are the protectors of the group and the most feistiest, They both step forward and cross their arms. "just to let you know if you ever hurt clary, you will have a swarm of teenage girls running after you and trust me its not in a good way." Anna says.

Jace's face turns from ecstatic to worried he starts to speak but his voice comes out strange and has to cough "its a good job I'm not going to hurt her then isn't it. " he says with a fake smile obviously scared that the girls are going to rip his head of if he says one thing wrong.

"Good, now who's up for some food, do you want to join us you two, we could all catch up. I need to know the details of how you two met." Ronnie says from behind Ro. "I'm starving" I was to, so me and Jace agreed to send time with the girls if it was okay to bring the Izzy and the others, if we could find them that is.

After looking in every shoe shop we could find Jace took his phone out of his pocket. "really you couldn't have said that you had your phone with you half an hour ago" I say whilst hitting him lightly on the chest. all the girls sigh. 

He begins to go threw his contacts and comes across the first person he could which was Alec. he puts the phone to his ear and begins to talk. "hey where are you" I hear mumbling on the other line "well clary has just bumped into her friends from her old school and have asked us to have lunch with them, do you want to come and meet us at Taki's?" a few seconds passed "okay see you in ten, by Alec." he put the phone down and turned his attention back to me "Alec said that they would all love to meet your friends and they had also bumped into an old friend of ours called Jordan." he said "Jordan moved to England and has just moved back to New York yesterday." I nod and we all start walking to Taki's which was on the other side of the mall. Great I have to walk in these heels, great chose in shoes Iz, Just great.

hi guys, what did you think of this chapter? I would like to dedicate this chapter to all my friend who I have included in this chapter and chapter 12.

Anna- Savannah Aspin

McKenna- Aimee McKenna aimeeloves5sos

Bella- Isabella Crook izziewizzie

Nicky- Nicole Clarke

Sue- Suma Begum  ShooshooBegum

Ro- Rohima Begum  _rohimabegum

Ronnie- Weronika Grochecka

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