Chapter 14- The Nightmare

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Clary's POV

The next day.

I was in the basement again only this time I was by myself, I couldn't see Isabelle but I could see a black silhouette walking towards me, a cackle escaping it's mouth, I could tell who it was just by the voice, Valentine. He raised his hand and slashed the knife down.

I wake up screaming at the top of my lungs, sweat covering my body. I stop as soon as I realise it was just a nightmare, a really bad one. I look at the clock at the side of my bed on a wooden table, 2:46 in the morning.

I lay in bed staring at the white ceiling, my stomach hurts every time I move even when I'm taking my tablets. I start to think about the previous day everything was going so well apart from the phone call, I has seen my friend that I hadn't talked to in ages, we all went shopping which was surprisingly fun, and I had kissed Jace more then once but then valentine had showed up. Why would you want to hurt your own daughter, if I ever had a daughter I'd be preventing her from getting hurt as much as I can.

Suddenly the door screeches open and in walks the angel himself, Jace. Terror all over his face. "What, what is it?" He said looking around the room looking for the origin of my fear.

"It's okay Jace it was just a nightmare" I say as I struggle to sit up, I take in a shaky breath.

Jace starts to walk over to me and sits at the bottom of my bed, taking my hand in his "do you want to talk about it?" I nod, it's best to let everything out then let it gather inside of me just so then it can explode. I look at him to see the expression on his face, he looked devastated and sympathetic.

I take in another breath of air and begin to speak. "I was in the basement, the one that he had held me and Iz in before we escaped. Only me and valentine was there, I was terrified" I feel a tear run down my cheek and Jace reaches for my face and wipes it off. "He had a knife again and attacked me with it." As I said this remembering how he had killed my mother and how she must have been so scared in the last moments of her life I burst into tears.

Jace lent forward and hugged me "it's okay it was just a dream, the police won't let valentine slip out of their fingers a second time." I could feel his heart beat in his chest, I don't want another person's heart to stop at the hands of valentine. "Come on you need to get some rest, to be honest you need it." He let go of me and I could tell he was trying to hold in a laugh. I hit him on the shoulder and we both started laughing really loudly. "See your laughing now." He says after he stops laughing. "You shouldn't be afraid of something that can't hurt you anymore."
Suddenly the door swings open and in walks a very sleepy isabelle, she started to rub her eyes and yawn not knowing that Jace was in my room. "What's going on in here, I'm trying to sleep and it's 3 in the morning" she said as she noticed Jace sat on my bed she started to speak again sounding more awake and protective. "Jace what are you doing in here, this room is a no boy zone" she waves her hand at us and begins slowly turning towards the door. "Whatever, I'm going getting my beauty sleep" she said.

"Yeah looks like you need it" Jace said, Iz turned and gave him a death stare and walked out, closing the door behind her. After she left we both was in another laughing trance and we couldn't stop.

Eventually the moment was gone and Jace kissed me on the forehead and began to walk away, before he was out of reach I grabbed his hand and he returned the gesture with a questioning look.

"Please could you stay with me tonight, I don't want to be by myself if I have another nightmare." I say hoping that he would say yes. He nodded and pulled the red silk bedding back and climbed in next to me. Our faces were so close I could feel his breath on my skin. His golden eyes staring into mine. "Thanks Jace."

"Don't mention it, seriously don't because Marsye finds out that I stayed in your room she would kill me" we both start to giggle, that's what I love about Jace he always makes me laugh even if I'm going thru a bad time. I shut my eyes and I can still feel his gaze on me. "Jace please stop staring and go to sleep."

"Fine" He says with a disappointed sigh. "I love you Clary."

"I love you too Jace." I smile as I can still feel his gaze on me "Jace. Stop." He kisses me on the lips and then I fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up to the feeling of something wrapped around my waist. I look down to see Jace's hand. My back pressed to his back. I turn and see golden eyes looking into mine. "Morning deautiful" he said as he smiled. "Any dreams?"

I shook my head "Nope" I said popping the P. I smiled at him. His eyes looked lighter as sun rays came through the curtains, he looked angelic. "Come on we have to get up, Maryse will kill us if we're late to breakfast." I say, we both giggle. I try to get out of the warm bed and walk away when Jace pulls me back onto the bed tickling me "Jace... stop... I'm... serious... I'm... starving" I say struggling to speak. He stops and kisses me on the lips gentally. I throw my arms around his neck and he cups my face. We pull apart. "You moron"

"That's what you love about me" He said a smirk appearing on his face. That smirk that I once despised I now love. I can't believe I have fallen in love with him in less then a week. He stands up and extends his hand offering his help to lift me up. I take it and stand but a sharp pain in my stomach makes me take in a deep breath of cold air. "Clary? Clary are you okay" I didn't even need to look at his face to know that he was scared. I could tell in the tone of his voice.

"I'm fine, I just need to take my tablets that's all, this is what happens when you have a stab wound Jace, it hurts." I say the pain easing, I stand up straight and see Jace's face it still looks petrified. "Jace, I'm fine, really." He takes my hand and helps me down the hallway and down the stairs into the kitchen. He rushed to get me the tablets and a glass of cold water. I gulp it down. I hate the taste of tablets, all was have, always will. We both sit down at the dining room table and eat the food that was layer in front of us, pancakes yum. Isabelle and Maryse walk in with a jug of orange juice. Max was at a camp for the next 4 months which was for the best because I dint want him to see me hurt. Alec was at Magnus' because Bella wanted to meet them both and catch up on the past 3 years of not seeing each other. It was peaceful. I felt like I was apart of something big, a bond between us all, loyalty and love.

Hi sorry this would have been published yesterday but it decided it would delete half of the chapter, It took me about 2 hours to write it and I felt like I was going to scream. I'm going to try to do at least 30 chapters. Ive started another book which will be published on the 10th of February, it's called 'the schools jerk'
Thanks for reading

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