Chapter 19- Porcelain Doll.

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After trying to get Izzy and Jace to explain to me what they are hiding I gave up, I will get it out of them sooner or later. Me and Jace both went to get dressed into our training cloths.

We were getting ready to practice different types of fighting skills taught by the one and only Maryse. She shocked everyone when she back flipped from a wooden beam holding the roof up and grabbed a sword that lit up at her touch which she called a seraph blade, apparently the stuff it's made for kills demons. Alec had found a bow and arrow set hanging on the wall, he had explained to me that he had done archery ever since he was ten. Izzy decided that she didn't want to settle for a seraph blade and settled for a long whip which changed into a silver bracelet which looked like a snake.

"First of all I need to see what you can all do before we start, Clary and Jace I want you two to fight in the rink." Maryse states. I turn to Jace and we both have a confused expression on our faces but Jace shrugs and begins to walk to the rink.

"Don't worry Clary. You both will be perfectly fine." Maryse says with a resuring smile.

"Please remind me why we are doing this again." I respond.

"Like I said we have to defend ourselves if anything happens" I nod and walk in the direction Jace walked. We both stand in our fighting positions and I studied Jace's footing. He stepped forward to grab my arm but I deflected and stepped to the right and tripping him up. Unfortunately he jumped over my foot and spun me over his shoulder. I yelped in shock and rigged out of his grip and landed flatly on my feet, I took his destruction as a good thing and tripped him over so that he landed on his back, however before he landed he grabbed my waist and brought me down with him. I landed on his chest and we both began to laugh at the out come of the fight, we even heard Maryse, Izzy and Alec chuckle. I felt my cheeks burn and began to detach myself from Jace's tight grip. We turned our attention to Maryse and waited for our results.

"I'm presently surprised" she said nodding her head as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Jace you have a great amount of strength and you can move very smoothly. This can prove as an advantage, I'm very proud of you" she turned her attention to me "Clary, you left me speechless. How did you learn to move like that?"

"I'm used to do lessons in secret because I was scared that Valentine would turn aggressive" I said, I lowered my head to look at the ground, ashamed that I didn't do enough to save my mother. It was all for naught.

'Clary please don't think like that, you was in shock.' I turn to face Jace and I could see the sorrow in his eyes. 'You couldn't have prevented what happened. Besides it isn't for naught because we are going to use our abilities to fight to keep Valentine from the cup.'

'Your right, thank you Jace.' Our mind link was broken by Izzy 'clearing her throat' our attention snaps to Izzy and she shakes her head whilst giggling.

"Honestly what are we going to do about you two!" She yelled. I smile at her.

"As I was saying, Clary you can move very quickly due to your hight. This is a great advantage and will help you with doing flips." Maryse stated with a smile on her face.

After twenty minutes of Maryse teaching me and Jace how to fight, Izzy learning how to use her whip and nearly cutting of Jace's head, Alec shooting arrows at a target and everyone of them hitting bullseye. We decided that we should get something to eat. Izzy offered to cook but everyone declined automatically, when I asked why Jace explained that Izzy's food was like poison and once killed their pet cat. I think it would be best to keep Iz away from the kitchen for a while. I chuckled as Izzy hit Jace on the arm with a glare. After we ordered from the Jade Wolf another of the Lightwoods favourite takeaways I felt like my stomach was going to explode.

The Jade Wolf ⬆⤴

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The Jade Wolf ⬆⤴

We had been training all day and I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday but now I struggled to finish my meal, but I managed it, I mean food for life or is that just me? I look over to Jace and he was eating his food like it was his last meal! I started to chuckle and everyone joined in apart from Jace who looked like we was all crazy.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" He said looking from Alec to me. God at first I thought he was flawless but now I know his flaws, he has a chip in his tooth and he eats like a pig but I wouldn't have it another way.

"Jace you might want to slow down with your food" I said to him through mind link. He started to glare at me but soon joined in laughing. I guess if you can't beat them, join them.

After we had finished, I felt exhausted. I began to walk upstairs to my bedroom with Jace. I had a good night's sleep but I felt like all my energy was drained, which reminds me. What did happen last night? Everyone was hiding it from me but I know I won't be able to sleep without knowing the truth, I had a right to know what happened. Right? "Jace?"


"What are you hiding from me?" I asked he immediately tensed again.

"What do you mean?" He said staring forward as we walked through the the hallway.

"Jace please, you and Iz had a weird moment like you are hiding something. Please just tell me" I pleaded. I was getting ready to go on my knees and beg but fortunately I didn't have to.

Jace turned to face me and let out a long sigh. "Clary, you know how I said I would protect you?"

"Yeah what about it?"

"Well we aren't training just to protect the cup, we are training for you too" the confusion on my face must have been noticeable. "Valentine escaped again" by the angel! All of a sudden I found it hard to breath. "Clary calm down, I will protect you with my life. We don't know how he escaped exactly but Maryse thinks he had help from demons he's working with."

Memories of the dream come flooding back, what if that was real and he really did want me to meet him for the sake of the Lightwoods. "Jace, last time he tried to get between us, I ended up with a stab wound. What if this time it's not me he hurts. What if it's you, Iz, Alec, Maryse, Simon, Magnus or even Max. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to any of you. I love you" I said. Tears escaping my eyes and making a path on my cheeks.

His hands cupped my face and he began to kiss me, I suddenly felt safe and forgot everything outside of out embrace. His hands made their way down to my waist and he held me tightly against his chest. I was no longer the porcelain doll I was when all of this started, now I'm a shadowhunter, one of the strongest creatures this world has seen and nothing is going to change that, not even Valentine.

Sorry this chapter isn't very eventful but I will make the next few chapters more then this one. Thank you for reading, I really apritiate it 😊

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