Chapter 3- Meeting the family

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After twenty minutes, I find myself standing outside with Isabelle while Maryse was signing me out. I look over to Isabelle and she looks like she is deep in her thoughts. "Hey, you ok?" she snaps out of her thinking and looks into my eyes, I can see myself reflected in her eyes as if they were mirrors. my red hair stands out because of the sunlight shining in them and several scratches running down my cheek. I feel small standing next to Isabelle because she's so tall, It doesn't help she is wearing seven inch heals to extend her height.

"Yeah I'm just thinking about what happened last night, I know you wont want to talk about it" Isabelle says with a devastated look on her face. I feel sorry for her, I don't know why she was there.

"No its fine, I think it will be good to talk about it, we cant pretend it never happened because one day my father will be out of prison and I need to be ready for it." I say to her, to be honest it will be good to talk about it, to remember my mother and what she taught me to never be afraid of something that happened in the past. "Can I ask you something" I look over to her and she nods in approval "why was you there?" her expression changes from curiosity to concentration.

"well about to days, I was walking home from school and a man walked up to me and asked me what school I went to, anyone in this situation would be freaking out and asking themselves 'do you know this guy' I said to him that I couldn't tell him and he responded by putting a bag over my head the last thing I heard was him saying that I needed to get some manners. I was so scared then I blanked out, the next thing I remember was when I was in the basement and I saw you, you know the rest." I could tell she was crying because I could hear her deep breathing and I saw tears running down the side of her cheek and dripping of her chin, with out thinking I took a step forward and hugged her, I could feel her arms around me as tight as they could go, I was struggling to breath, Izzy's emotions might be delicate but she is one of the strongest people I know.

I suddenly hear someone calling Izzy's name and turn around to see someone running towards us, I could see his brown eyes looking through his glasses, his hair bobbing up and down, Izzy ran as fast as she could and embraced him into a hug. they stood there for a few seconds and then released each other, I could see him rub the tears from her cheeks but I couldn't hear what they were saying. soon after Izzy turned around and started pulling the young boy towards me.

"Clary, this is my boyfriend Simon. Simon this is clary the girl I was telling you about." Izzy says, she looks a lot happier now, the power of love is a strange thing.

"Its a pleasure" he extends his hand and I take it gratefully, I smile at him and turn my attention back to Izzy.

"Izzy, have you told anyone else because I would really like it if little people knew about what happened?" She looks at me and gives me an understanding smile and shakes her head to say no-one else knows about last nights events. "Good because I really don't want to explain to anyone about, you know... my father."

Suddenly the hospital doors open and Maryse walks out. "Hello Simon"

"Hello Mrs L" he say with a wave of his hand.

Maryse turns her attention to me and starts to speak "clary, there is some good news and bad news. the good news is Luke told me to tell you that he will come over to the lightwoods home and speak to you then, he wants you to get some well needed rest. The bad news is that you will have to live with three boys, my two sons Alec who is 17 and Max who is 9, and my adopted son Jace who is also 17. If they give you any trouble just tell me or Isabelle and we will sort them out" she says as she gives me a wink.

"Could I ask you a favour?" she nods for approval "could you not tell anyone what has happened?" she nods again but carries on speaking

"That will be hard because they are all nosy and will know there is something going on, I don't know how long we can pull this of for." she says with an apologetic tone in her voice, she walks to the taxi a few feet from us and puts all the bags I didn't notice she had in the boot and guided us all in, Simon kissed Izzy on the cheek and walked off.

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