Chapter 21- Midnight

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I looked down to see Jace kneeling on one knee holding a red velvet box, I looked around to see a violinist and we were standing in the middle of a pavilion in central park, it reminded me of the film 'a Cinderella story', he opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. Tears started streaming down my cheeks and I could hardly breathe. I look into Jace's eyes to see only adoration. "I know it's only been four months since you came into my life but those four months have been amazing, before I met you my life was incomplete and I had been a complete jerk. As soon as I set eyes on your emerald eyes I was deeply in love with you and when I nearly lost you a part of me was dying inside. Will you marry me Clarissa Adele Fray?" I nodded my head viciously and a huge smile appeared on both of our faces. Jace stood up and placed the ring on my wedding ring finger, his strong arms encaged me in an embrace and I couldn't speak. "I love you" he whispered into my neck.

"I love you more" I pulled back my head to kiss him and I felt like I was melting into it "best birthday ever." I state as we detach

"Oh it's not over yet love." He smirked. What is he up to now?

Izzy's POV (bet you wasn't expecting that)

"Simon get of your DS and come and help us" I shouted over to Simon sitting at the dining table whilst Alec and I was attempting to put up the birthday banners and failing horribly. My side of the banner fell and covered the upper half of my body. The room filled with laughter at my clumsiness. I pushed it away from me and let out an exasperated sigh "come on guys, I really want this to be special for Clary, she deserves this." I state to Alec, Magnus, and Simon. Mum had gone to cook some party food and max was at his friends because he couldn't be home with a house full of teenagers. I let out another exasperated sigh and sat on the couch, we was nowhere near finished we still needed to decorate and we have an hour at the minimum.

"Izzy just breathe. It'll be fine." Simon said as he sat down next to me and draped his arm around my shoulder to comfort you. "Anyway think of it this way, Clary will be your sister in law soon, I don't think she will care if the party is amazing."

"That's if she says yes." Alec piped up from the corner of the room, I gave him a glare and the smirk soon disappeared. "All I'm saying is that she doesn't know his past yet and if she finds out it could ruin their relationship." He held his hands up.

"There's no way that 'that' is going to ruin their relationship, they have gone through a lot together, I really doubt that anything else is going to change anything. Jace stayed by Clary's side when she was in hospital, he didn't think she was a freak for what she had gone through, we was told that we are Shadowhunters and their love is unbreakable no matter what is throw at them." I state proving my point, I just hope for their sakes they can get through this.

Clary's POV

Jace guided me towards a clearing in the trees which are eliminated by fairy lights and a single table in the middle of the clearing, daisy's surrounding it. It was glorious nothing like I had ever seen before. He pulled out on of the two chairs and I sat on it. He then sits down facing me. "This is beautiful." I indicated.

"Not as beautiful as you" he whispered looking into my eyes, I rolled them and started to laugh.

"Cheesy" I shook my head, I couldn't help the smile that was plastered on my face.

"Hey would you rather me stop?" he sat back in his chair with a playful smirk on his face. "What would you like to eat?"

I picked up the menu and I ordered a toasted sandwich and Jace ordered a burger. The meal was amazing and there was never silence, we talked about anything and everything. I wasn't joking when I said this is the best birthday I've ever had. Normally for my birthday I'm ignored by Valentine and my mother and I would sneak a board game to my bedroom so that we wouldn't get caught, for my last birthday he found out and I was locked in my room for days without any food or drink and my mother was yelled at 24/7. We never did it again. That was for my tenth birthday when everything was turning upside down and I became worried that I would slip up to result in pain and misery. I was too lost in my thought to hear Jace talking next to me in the passenger seat. "Clary are you okay? You've been staring out of the window for the past six minutes."

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