Chapter 22- Where It All Began.

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Jace's POV

I felt cold, why did I feel cold it's the middle of august. I opened my sleepy eyes and I could automatically sense clary wasn't next to me, I looked over and sure enough she was gone, all that was left was a folded note in her place. She's just probably gone to get food from the kitchen. I opened the note it read;

I'm sorry Jace I couldn't let Valentine hurt you or anyone else not if I could help it. I love you too much for anything to happen to you. I've gone to meet him where it all started please don't try to find me.

Ps. I do.

Clary Wayland.

I started to panic. She can't face him, not on her own. I jumped out of bed whilst my heart felt as if it was going to jump out of my chest any minute at her absence. Where it all started, what does that mean? I couldn't think straight because of the worry I was feeling. I ran out of my room and turned in the direction of her room to find her shadowhunter gear and weapon gone. "Maryse, Izzy, Simon!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I started to go through her draws to find a clue. But nothing, seconds later footsteps echoed through the house and entered into the Clary's room.

"Jace what is it?" Maryse asked, worry lacing her voice. I turned to see them all standing at the door way looking at me with confused and anticipated stares.

"Clary's gone!" I yelled. I could feel my eyebrows furrow together, I had her in my arms and now she's gone! This is all my fault.

"I saw her about an hour ago, she said she was going to the training room." Maryse stated. We all ran to the training room and there was no sign anyone had entered since a couple of days ago, then I remembered something the note. I took it out of my pocket and flattened it out. Maryse, Iz and Simon all read it and all gasped in sync as I paced the training rooms width. She seemed normal today, actually she seemed ecstatic then I realised something she kept staring into space, at the party, in the car. Why didn't I notice? How didn't I notice? Izzy started crying at the memory of that terrible event as Simon embraced her.

"What does she mean by 'where it all started'" Simon asked, I could tell he was getting anxious too as his shoulders tensed.

"I don't know I've been trying to work it out but my minds completely blank from all the stress." I pace and think back to when I first met her. "Where it all began" I mumble to myself as I pace even more. I think back to before we met. "That's it! Her old house!" I run to my room and put on my shadowhunter gear. Not waiting for the others. As soon as I'm ready I run out of the door and down the street towards Clary. I come face to face of her house but cold air whisks past me and turns into an older version of Clary.

"The basement." She whispers and vanishes again. I stand there gobsmacked, I snap myself out of it and run to the open door. Two duck like demons come running to me and I shiver, I hate ducks. Their eyes turn a fluorescent orange and their feathers turn black as they open their beaks thousands of little teeth appear. I quickly kill them and make my way to the basement. The only source of light coming from my seraph blade. I cautiously walk down the steps to hell as something behind me grabs my leg and I fall down the steps, as I get up I look behind me to see nothing is there. I suddenly hear muffled shouting behind me, I turn to see a crying clary and a smirking Valentine with his hand covering her mouth, the other holding a knife to her throat.

"Put the blade down Wayland or so help me I will kill my daughter." He stated as he dug into her neck even more. Clary's cry's stopped as she looked behind me to see the stair case lighting up with a white glow. The same woman from before floated down the stairs, her body transparent and her hair moving in the air as if there was a draft.

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