Chapter 1

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Mia's POV

"Peek-a-boo." I smiled into Ava's face as she removed her hands from her eyes over and over.

"Yah!!" She smiled clapping. She had the biggest smile on her face as I moved the loose hairs from her face.

"Lets get you ready for daddy." I smiled standing up. I began walking to her bedroom as she sat on couch.

"Come on boo." I smiled. She giggled and rolled off the couch. She ran behind me with her little feet to catch up. For her to be one, she acts like she's been walking for years, lazy.

"What do you want to wear?" I asked looking through her walk-in closet. She walked behind me looking around. She picks out all of her outfits just like her mom.

"Hey, hey, hey." I heard Daniel say from a far.

"Hello." I spoke picking Ava up as we scanned her clothes.

"We're in her room." I added. I heard his footsteps come down the hall, he walked in her room and looked around.

"Dada!" she yelled opening her arms. He looked to his side and smiled walking into the closet.

"Hey A."  He smiled picking her up.  I fixed my sweatpants and hair.

"How is she?" Diggy asked kissing her cheek.

"She's good, we were just playing some peek-a-boo, and I was trying to change her outfit before you came." I replied.

"Well thank you, but she's good. She'll probably be sleepy by the time I get to my place. Can you walk me to my car?" He asked. I nodded and lead him out of my apartment.

"How have you been?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Im fine, how are you?"

" I'm ok, I've been working a lot, trying to get some stuff together for a tour." He replied.

"Wow, that's great." I smiled opening his car door. He placed Ava in her car seat and I buckled her in.

"Yeah, well see you Sunday night." He smiled.

Diggy's POV

"Talking about my tour really?" I said to myself as I unlocked the door to my loft. I held Ava  in my left hand then placed her in her play pin.

"I mean come on Digg! You can do better than that!" I added using the bathroom.

"DADA!!" Ava yelled.

"I'm coming A!" I replied washing my hands. I ran to check on her. She was sitting there raising her arms.

"Really A? You got me rushing because you want to be picked up?" I sighed, she pouted.

"Up DADA." she spoke. I dropped down to pick her up.

"You can walk now, I don't have to hold you anymore." I replied walking around with her. She laid on my shoulder.

"You tired A?" I asked.

"Yaa." she replied yawning. I smiled and walked to her crib, I tried to lower her down but she held me tighter.

"Come on A, time to go to bed." I replied. She sat up from my shoulder and pointed to my bed.

"Bed dada." She replied. She loves my big bed and never sleeps in her own.

"Ok, this is the last time." I spoke walking over and laying her down. She smiled and sat up clapping.

"I thought you were tired A." I replied laying down. I was already in sweats so there was so reason for me to change.

"Bed dada." she replied grabbing some blanket and placing it over me. I chuckled and laid her next to me.

"Bed Ava." I spoke kissing her cheek, she laid next to me and closed her eyes, then opened them.

"Come on A, go to sleep." I chuckled. She smiled and did it again.

"Ok look, if you go to sleep, I'll take you shopping tomorrow." I spoke. She laid down and placed the blanket over her and closed her eyes.

"Just like your mom." I smiled.

Ava is in the media.

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