Chapter 17

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Diggy's POV

I couldn't believe what she said. I couldn't even imagine Mia giving up a child especially our child. After that little conversation we shared, I needed to give her some air. I didn't want her to do something we'd both regret. I grabbed Ava and decided to go visit some family, out of state, I needed some advice.

"Mama!" Ava smiled opening her hands towards my mom. She smiled kissed her multiple times.

"Hey my baby! Grandma misses you!" She squeezed. I leaned down and hugged her tightly.

"Hey ma." I smiled. She kissed my cheek then I heard Miley and dad come down the stairs.

"Diggy!" Miley ran hugging me. I stumbled back a little while laughing.

"Hey girl." I smiled. I dapped my dad then stood Ava up.

"What's good Digg?" he smiled.

"I came to talk and get some advice." I spoke. He lead me to the bar.

"Tell me your problems." He spoke.

"It's Mia, she's mad at me."

"Tell me why?"

"Well uh, she's pregnant and I k-"

"Mia pregnant!" My mom yelled from behind me. I turned around to see her smiling.

"Yes mom she is." I replied.

"Another grandchild! That's wonderful!" she hugged me.

"Well  I didn't think so at first. When she told me, I freaked out on her."


"I was angry.  I didn't want another child at this time and we were doing so good in the relationship, I didn't want to ruin it."

"First, don't ever say that a child can ruin you. Children are gifts from above and you should never regret them." he spoke fixing his collar.

"Second, you're going to have to use more than words to apologize to Mia."

"Then what do I do?" I asked.

"Ok, I'm going to tell you, but this is only known to work once so don't mess up after this." He spoke sternly.

"What is it?" I asked again. He scooted his chair closer to mine then put his mouth to my ear.

"You spoil her." He whispered.

"Spoil her?" I repeated.

"What is that going to do?"

"You spoil the shit out of her. Pardon my language. If you give her all the finer things in life, she will come to an understanding that you would do whatever it takes for her to forgive you." He responded.

"Are you sure that's going to work?" I asked.

"I'm positive." He answered. I nodded and hugged him.

"Thanks dad."

"No problem, but can you answer one question for me?"

"Sure go ahead."

"Why don't you want another child? Look at Ava, she's perfect." He spoke pointing into the living room. Ava was playing with Miley. It made me smile.

"I know, but when Mia was pregnant, we always argued. Her pregnancy was one of the reasons why we broke up."

"But things have changed, you know what not to do now, so just don't do it" He replied.

"You got it."

Jordan's POV

I kicked my shoes off and laid on my couch. I had a hard day at work, Daniel and Ava were still in New York visiting his parents (We live in Atlanta by the way) so I was alone.

"Knock, knock" Chantal spoke unlocking my door.

"Hey." I groaned.

"I know work was hard." She spoke plopping on the couch next to me.

"I just wish Daniel and Ava were here." I sighed.

"I thought you were mad at him." She answered.

"Doesn't mean I don't want him here" I answered. There was a brief moment of silence until I heard the door open.

"Are you leaving?" I asked.

"Yeah, I need my own bed." Chantal spoke.

"Okay, bye" I waved. Once she left I laid there and started to cry to myself. I really did miss Daniel. I continued to lay there and sob.

"Momma?" I heard next to me. I moved my hands from my face, it was Ava.

"Hey pretty girl." I sniffled sitting up. She sat on the couch and laid on my lap.

"I miss you" she spoke rubbing my leg.

"I missed you too, where's daddy?" I spoke. She sat up and pointed at the door. Daniel walked in holding about twenty bags. I stood and ran to him.

"Hey Daniel." I smiled wiping my face.

"Hey, were you crying?" He asked.

"A little, how was New York?"

"It was great, and I got you something."

"What?" He dropped all the bags in front of me.

"All this." He smiled. Each bag had designer clothes, bags, and jewelry. It all had to be at least $15,000.

"Daniel, why did you get me all this?"

"Because you deserve it." he grabbed my hand and sat me down on his lap.

"Mia, I love you with all my heart, and I truly am sorry. I want this baby and I'm going to do everything in my power to make you happy because that's what you deserve. Please forgive me." I smiled and kissed him.

"You're forgiven Daniel and I love you too." I spoke. He smiled and kissed me again.

"Eww!" Ava spoke covering her eyes.


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