Chapter 10

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The Next Week
Mia's POV

It's back to the same old routine. Daniel and I were back at work and Ava was with the nanny. To be honest, I missed Daniel and him being with me, but I knew that was going to end.

"How's Daniel?" Chantal asked sitting on my desk. It was my lunch and she always bothers me during that time.

"He's good, he's just been working." I replied pouring some dressing on my salad.

"Has he been hittin' it good?" She chuckled. I took a big bite if my food and stared at her.

"I swear you are so nosey." I grumbled through my full mouth.

"As your bff I need to make sure he's treating you right." She chuckled. I opened my soda and began to take a sip but she grabbed my wrist.

"What the hell is this?" She yelled scoping thing diamond tennis bracelet.

"Oh, Daniel got it for me." I smiled.

"Damn, you must be doing something right in the bedroom." She smirked hitting my shoulder.

"Apparently." I answered playing along.

"Oohhh, you dirty girl!"

After Work

I got home at around 4:45. The nanny was still there because I could smell food coming from my kitchen. I sat my purse and keys on my coffee table and walked in to see what was cooking. I saw Ava in her high chair, and to my surprise, Daniel in front of the stove.

"Daniel?" I asked. He turned around revealing him in a flower apron.

"Hey baby." He smiled kissing my cheek. He turned around and went back to cooking.

"When did you get here?"

"At 4, I sent Rosa home, went to the store to buy some food, and started to cook." He smiled.


"Girl why do you ask all these question?" He chuckled.

"Just sit down, dinner is almost ready. We're having steak." He smiled. I nodded and sat at the island.

"Do you know why daddy is doing this?" I whispered to Ava. She shook her head no.

"Here we go" he spoke holding two plates of steak and a side salad. He gave Ava some soft peas and carrots.

"This looks pretty good." I smiled. He grabbed two wine glasses and opened a bottle.

"Umm Daniel, I'll just take a water." I spoke, he nodded and filled his glass.

Once he got me my water he sat down and started to eat. I cut a small slice and took a bite. After about two chews, we both spit it out.

"What the hell?" Daniel yelled whiling his mouth.

"What do you cook it with?" I asked taking a sip of water.

"Just butter, garlic rosemary, and thai leaves." He spoke holding the package of seasoning. I grabbed the pack and started to read.

"Daniel this says twine, like the twig dude!!" I yelled.

"Well what's the other seasoning in it?" He asked. I opened the back and took a smell.

"That's dirt!!" I yelled taking huge gulps of water.

"Well my bad! It was in the food section." He spoke.

"It's fine, I'll just order some food for us." I spoke standing up. You could tell Daniel was upset.

"You're good Daniel, it was a mistake." I spoke pecking his lips.

"Whatever, I suck!" I he answered. I chuckled and walked in my room to find a Chinese menu.

"No you don't, so stop saying that" I spoke. He followed behind me holding Ava.

"I want some shrimp lou-mien." He spoke, issuing my cheek.

"Well it's on the way now. I just used my cell to text or order in." I replied.

"Well that is so tech savvy" he smiled. After about 15 minutes our food came and we sat in the living room eating.

"You enjoying you food ma?" He chuckled. I think he could tell that I was hungry by how large my bite were.

"Mhmm." I nodded with a full mouth.

"So, how have you been?" He asked trying to fill the awkward silence.

"Good, and Daniel I need some hot sauce." I spoke. He looked at me with a strange expression.

"Really?" I nodded.

"Yeah, also some mustard" I spoke.

Diggy's POV

I got up again to get Mia's stuff. I don't know what's with the weird food cravings.

"Well I'm tired so I'm going to sleep." I spoke finishing my food. Mia had finished before me and was eating some fruit.

"Daniel baby, can you order some more food?" She begged.

"Mia, it's almost ten at night and you've been eating since 5pm. Just cool it and get some sleep." I spoke standing up.

"Why are you mad at me?" She started to tear up. I never seen an emotional Mia like this before.

"Don't cry." I spoke holding her.

"You know I just don't care. I'm going to bed." She whined pushing me away and walking off.

The Next Day
Mia's POV

"You switched on him that quick?" Chantal asked.

"Yes, in like two seconds." I giggled taking a bit of salad.

"Damn girl, this is starting to remind me of how you were when you were pregnant with Ava." She replied.

"I'm not pregnant, I'm just s-" I spoke holding my stomach. I began gagging hard.

"Mia are you ok?" Chantal asked standing up. I ran out my office, to the bathroom, and got inside a stall. I stomach was killing me and the gagging got unbearable. I dropped to my knees as Chantal began rubbing my back. I leaned over the toilet and started to vomit a lot.

I looked up at Chantal as I finished and breathing heavy.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant."

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