Chapter 2

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Diggy's POV

I woke up with Ava drooling on my face, which was actually pretty normal. She always woke up before me and it was always early. I could never catch a break.

"Good morning A." I smiled hugging her.

"Dada." she smiled sitting up.

"Hold on, I'm going to fix you some food." I spoke.

"Maaa, maaal" she spoke slowly, I smiled.

"I hear you trying to talk more, we're on our way to the mall." I smiled sitting up. She clapped and kissed my cheek.

"You're only doing that because I'm buying you stuff." I chuckled.

At the Mall

"Ok A, red or blue?" I asked holding two pairs of vans. She stood there then grabbed both. I laughed as she walked to the register, she acts just like her mother. She know what she wants.

"Well I guess that answers it." I spoke picking her up and placing the clothes and shoes on the counter.

"Is she your daughter?" the cashier asked. I smiled and kissed Ava's cheek.

"Yeah she is." I replied handing her my black card.

"I didn't know Diggy Simmons had a child, she's beautiful!" She smiled handing me a receipt. She stopped and grabbed her phone.

"Can you please put your phone away?" I pleaded. She sighed and put her phone away.

"Say thank you A." I spoke, she grabbed her bag.

"Taa you" she smiled. We walked out the store and headed to the food court.

"Some people are so unnecessary A" I spoke walking. It still caught me off guard how the cashier pulled her phone out. Some people have know decency.

"Do you want something to eat A?" I asked she looked around and shook her head. I swear she understands me.

"No dada." She replied. I smiled and walked to our car.

"Well A, it's time for me to get you back to Mia's." I replied buckling her in. She pouted kicking her feet.

"I know it sucks A." I spoke driving.

"But it'll get better, just wait on it." I replied. She continued to kick her feet but this time it was with playfulness. We got back to Mia's house early so I just decided to chill there.

"Hey Mia" I smiled holding A. She sat up from her couch that she was slump on.

"Hey, it's kinda early." She spoke turning down the tv.

"Yeah, we just got back from the mall." I replied standing Ava up, she ran to Mia.

"Aye mama." she smiled, Mia hugged her lightly.

"Hey pretty girl, how was your sleepover with daddy?" She asked.

"Dada!" She smiled clapping.

"I'm taking that as a good." she giggled.

"Well, let me get to stepping." I replied grabbing my keys.

"No dada!" A yelled whining. I turned back around.

"A, I gotta go." I replied, she ran to me and started to cry.

"Oh come on Daniel, it's ok if you stay for a little while longer." Mia spoke.


"Yeah." She answered, I smiled and sat my keys down.

"I'm staying A." I cheered.

"Yayy!!" She clapped.

Mia's POV

After about an hour Ava fell asleep, which Daniel and I both found funny.

"One hour, she fell asleep in one hour." I whispered to Daniel as we hovered over Ava in her sleeping crib.

"Yeah, that's funny." He responded, I turned to my side to face him.

"Thank you for letting me stay." He added, I smiled.

"No problem." I smiled.

"Umm, do you ever think we could talk about us?" Daniel spoke, I sighed and walked out of her room.

"I told you no Daniel." I replied.

"But we need to talk about this Mia." He answered.

"It was one night that's all. Now can you please leave?" I asked holding my door. Daniel sighed and kissed my forehead.

"This isn't over Mia."

Mia's apartment is in the media

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