44- Toxic waste!

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Brian walked Sam to her bedroom door and gave her a last soft kiss.  He did not walk her in; if he did, he would not be able to leave her at all.  Just before he turned to leave, he bent his head and whispered to her.

“And by the way Samantha; I will not be claiming you after the wedding; I have already planned my own private claiming ceremony.”

His breath warmed the skin on her face as he spoke, and she felt the warmth of his lips as he trailed his mouth down to the place where he would be making his mark.  Sam heard and felt the low rumble of his growl and she shivered in anticipation.

With a sigh he stepped back and let her go; his hands lingering in her hair.  “I have to go.  I can’t keep Rudi and Dinah waiting up all night for me.”  He could not resist kissing her again.  Thank goodness he would have her all to himself for a whole two weeks.  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”  He said when he could tear his lips from her.

“It’s about time!”

Sam and Brain almost jumped when they heard Conrad speaking.

“It is almost midnight Brain.  You should leave now; you will be seeing her soon enough tomorrow.”

Brian bit back a snarky remark at Conrad’s smirk.  Instead he ignored his brother and gave Samantha one last kiss.  “I will be counting the seconds.”

She smiled at him.  “Me too.”  Then she shoved him in the direction of the stairs.  “Go now.  The sooner we sleep; the sooner it will be tomorrow.”

“I know.”  He said; and turned away from her, walking past Conrad, he punched him on his shoulder.

Conrad just laughed and walked past Samantha on his way to his room.  “Sweat dreams sister-to-be.”  He winked at her before closing the door to his room.

Samantha woke up when the sunlight tickled her nose.  The sunlight and the sweet smell of flowers.  She opened her eyes and found that almost every single surface of her room was covered in bouquets of the most beautiful roses.

Cassy must have been waiting outside her door for her to wake up because as soon as she stirred; she walked in with a tray full of food and a steaming cup of coffee.

“You can lie in for another half hour or so; then we need you to get up so you can have a bath.”  When she reached the bed, she looked around for something.  “You will have to sit up for me first.  There is no space for the tray anywhere.”

“I see that.  How did that happen?”  Sam wanted to know, still dazed with all the smells and colors in the room.

“Brian happened.”  Cassy stated; frowning at first but slowly the frown turned into a smile.  “The flowers started arriving after eight this morning, and since then almost every quarter hour one of the florists have been in to make a delivery.”  As if they were waiting for her to speak the words, the door bell rang and Cassy rolled her eyes.  “I wonder how long he is going to keep this up.”

Cassy put the tray on her lap and fished a whole lot of cards from her pocket.  “These came with the flowers.”

Sam stared in awe as cards rained onto the bed.  There must be close to a hundred of them!  She reached out and took the first one into her hands read the two words on it, and then she took the next card and the next.  They were all the same; the only words scribbled on the insides were: ‘Still counting…’

Tina came bouncing into the bedroom; no flowers in hand, but she was carrying a fold up table.  After greeting her brightly, she set up the table and soon Liz filled in carrying another arrangement.  Amanda came in with a dreamy look on her face.  She was carrying a single red rose with a white lace ribbon tied around it.  She handed it to Sam.

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