An Accidental Date

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Yes. You read that title right. I went on a date without knowing it was a date. We can add that to the list of 'Things that happen to Introverts because they can't read social cues!'

Any-who, I would like for said date to remain anonymous, so lets call him Fred. 

So me and Fred have been hanging out for a while (I'm in college) after a particular lecture we have together. We have a lot in common, same major, similar hobbies, both ironically INTJ (the statistical odds of us meeting were insane!) He was really sweet, but I didn't 'like like' him (insert air-quotes and valley girl accent here).

Then, the new Star Wars movie comes out, and of course I was supper excited to go see it. I mention this to him on one of our impromptu discussions and he gets excited, 

'I was going to go see that with a friend this weekend Boldpastel! We should go see it!' Fred exclaims.

So I say yes. Why not? There's another person going and we're friends! What could go wrong?

oh..... silly little introvert me.

He tells me he'll pick me up in his car, which is great because that saves gas money for me! Hurray for saving money in college! (that was the first warning sign)

As soon as I get in that car a little voice goes off in my head,

'This is a date you idiot!'

Fred has a candy bar for me, there is no other friend in the car and Fred looks as if he has dressed nicely as casually as one can, bless his heart. The nuclear awkward bombs that my brain keeps in reserve simultaneously explode.

I decide to play the 'Innocent Friend that doesn't know this is a date card' and tried very hard to keep up casual banter.

We get to the movie theater early (as one does with brand new movies coming out). We talk. I make sure that my hands are folded in my jacket so there will be no awkward touching and pray that we can still be friends when this is through.

Once seated in our crowded theater, I start nerding out, I'm trying desperately hard not to even notice that this is a date. During the previews I ask things like, 'hey, could your other friend not make it?' or 'let me pay you for my ticket that you bought online for me, friend!'

Fred eventually got the message, and he gracefully acknowledged my friend-zoning (see picture above). Needless to say I felt bad, but it would have been crueler to lead Fred on when I had no romantic interest. 

'Well, Boldpastel, I thought this could be a date, but it could be just friends.'

Well put Fred, well put.

 I sat through the whole movie very careful to make sure that I gave no hint what-so-ever that I would hold hands, or do what couples do in movie theaters *cough, cough*

Then, as he was driving me back home, he continuously pointed out restaurants to me. Though I may be an awkward introvert that spends so much time in her head that she doesn't notice many social cues, this one was blatantly obvious. He wanted to take me to a restaurant some time, on a date.

'Hey! That place has really good Mexican food!'

 'Good to know Fred..... hey did you read that book?'

I think you all get the idea.

Finally I was back at my building. Thouroughly exhausted and feeling very socially drained.

Poor Fred has been friend-zoned every time I've talked to him since.


I hope that was a good first chapter story!

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If you like this you might like my collection "The Introvert's Survival Guide to College"


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