New Job Frozen

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So I've been working at a new job (yes, all those applications finally paid off) for a little over a month now, and as per usual, I have garnered a few more awkward stories to share with you all.

So my third shift ever working in the giant University kitchen, I show up for work, along with another person who is also new. There are no managers to tell us what to do and the things assigned to us on our shifts have already been done. We have to close up our section of the kitchen and then go find more work. 

I know, it is utterly fascinating. 

One tiny problem is that we have no clue what we're doing. 

So we start cleaning the bakeshop (our area). And cleaning,

and cleaning......

and then cleaning what we cleaned.

Finally, after 2 hours of our uselessness, a manager appears and finds us some work to do. Unfortunately, I finished it in a half hour and still had an hour and half more of my shift to go.

I asked for work one more time, and you know how I was rewarded with my good effort?

They sent me to the -9 Celsius freezers to organize the shipments for the morning. They had a jacket for me to wear, but I had no gloves and was wearing tennis shoes. 

I was so cold! 

On my walk home it was about 60 degrees, but it felt tropical outside.

I don't regret making an effort to be a good employee, but come on! Why? an hour and a half in a freezer!

As always, have a good day, night, evening, morning, break, life.... 

*Runs out of ideas and quietly shuffles toward the exit.*



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