I 'Run' Into Some Trouble

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This was when I was in middle school, just having come out of my very awkward phase and moving into my slightly awkward phase (enhanced into a very awkward phase because puberty). Disclaimer: I'm not very athletic, I just enjoy running.

So I was jogging my usual route with the family dog, its a pretty warm day so I'm in a tank top and shorts. I'm about ready to walk because I'm getting close to home and I want to cool down, however I see a group of teenage boys playing around on their skateboards directly in my path. Not wanting to hang around them longer because I'm sweaty and anti-social at the moment, I decide to keep running until I'm out of their sight. I also don't like it when people see me go from running to walking because I feel like they judge me for quitting (even though they probably don't even notice).

This was a mistake.

When they see me coming, they all stop and watch as I go by. 

One of them says, 'Nice puppy!' in a rather adolescent flirtatious way. I promise you that he was not looking at my dog.

I didn't really know how to reply to that.

I keep going, my cheeks burning. This was likely my first experience of being considered attractive and my little introvert mind didn't know how to respond. (honestly though, what is it about sweaty running girls and guys?)

I sprinted all the way home and hid in my room for the rest of the day. As any introvert would do after social exhaustion.

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