Strangers, From the Outside; oooooo!

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This is partially related to my roommates, they more or less put me in a weird situation.

I had just got back from my classes, was taking a break before I went back out to do life and heard a bunch of weird suit-casey noises and the voices of some strangers. Not that its uncommon for my roommates to have people over, but I didn't hear me roommates voices, at all.

What if they'd been murdered and stuffed into a suitcase? That could explain the weird noise..... and solve a lot of my problems.

Naturally, me hearing a bunch of voices I don't recognize, I walked out with a cup (so I could have something to do when it got awkward, or I could throw it at the murderers (I washed the cup)) Luckily the guests seemed pretty friendly but it was utterly shocking when the friend (not mine, the roommates; they shall be referred to as a lemming for now on) told me these two people would be staying with us all weekend (its Thursday).

So they conveniently didn't tell me they'd be having two guests over. I just love having complete strangers live in my living room for three days! *warning, sarcasm levels rising*

They get drunk that night and make a bunch of shots for a party. I'm left in the morning to tiptoe around my kitchen trying to get breakfast and go to class while these hungover drunk girls are sleeping on the couch.



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