This is not the manager you are looking for

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So as school has finished, I have been running around everywhere tossing my resume to any and all people who may be hiring. I really dislike job hunting, as you may notice from the 'introvert for hire' chapter. 

So Last week I walk into yet another store, and I see this guy wearing a polo and khakis talking to some ladies behind the counter. I assume he works there and I begin inquiring about the job posting.

The guy looks at me, almost sympathetically and says,

"I don't work here." 

Did I mention how much I dislike job hunting!?

I awkwardly laugh and mumble an apology and something about the polo shirt confusing me, and turn to the people working behind the counter who give me a lengthy application (which my resume already has all that information on it) and I leave.

Feeling rather embarrassed and humiliated. 

I wish people were easier to understand.

Good luck to all who are still looking for a summer job, you'll need it. :)

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