Evil Roommates are Evil

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Basically I live with three other people in an apartment (for college) I got 'matched' with them and it has been the worst experience I have had with other creatures of the human race, ever. period.

I am here to study and learn and grow as a human being, whilst my roommates are here to consume as much alcohol (and pot) as humanly possible and to make as much noise as possible. I'm convinced they're trying to commit the loudest possible suicide through alcoholic poisoning and/or brain and liver damage.

I'm not even sure what it is they are supposedly studying, or how they got accepted into my University in the first place.

Needles to say, these very extroverted people do not comprehend my very introverted needs, nor care about them.

I refer to these roommates as the 'impertinent, clay-brained louts', louts for short. Their frequent equivalent friends that seem to live in my living room are referred to as the 'lemmings'.

There are many, many stories I can share about my experiences with these half-brained, neuro-transmitterless monkeys, but I'll start by just sharing this one

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There are many, many stories I can share about my experiences with these half-brained, neuro-transmitterless monkeys, but I'll start by just sharing this one.

It's Saturday Night, I had a night in because I had spent a lot of time working on my homework and studies and wasn't in the mood to hang out with anyone (I was tired!) I turn off my lights and thankfully the group of people who had been pre-partying in my apartment had left, leaving behind a messy kitchen and three empty bottles of peach vodka which would surely be added to the empty bottles collected above the cabinets and referred to as the lout's trophies.

I'm slowly falling asleep when I here one of the louts and a lemming return. They start talking about goodness knows what. I do my best to ignore their cacophonous voices until the lout walks up to my door to see if the light's on (it's not, I'm trying to sleep), and says,

"I guess she's not here. She's so anti-social, blah, blah, blah, insert more insulting things to say about me, blah."

I am very anti-social around them, because I don't like them and how they treat people; case in point. But that she could so nonchalantly assume that I'm this reclusive pariah when she knows absolutely nothing about me or my life is beyond irritating and hurtful (and triggered some old bullying memories)! Just that day I'd tried to extend the olive branch by helping her clean up their mess they made in the apartment.

I have good friends that I hang out with, I talk to people in my classes, and I generally like people (I just need a break from them sometimes).

Pardon my french here, but my roommates are the bitchiest people I've ever met.

Its sad that introverts are so poorly understood and stigmatized in todays society.

Let me know If you want to here more horror stories and observations about the louts and/or their lemmings. Or any other type of stories I have posted.

(above is an actual film of the thinking process of my roommates and their friends)

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(above is an actual film of the thinking process of my roommates and their friends)

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