Observing the Awkward

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This one is about an awkward thing my friend did. Enjoy.

So my rather shy and introverted friend had an interview for a barista position at a local coffee place that tries to be 'hip with the crowd'. Naturally, my friend applies and gives them her resume and gets texted by the manager to meet in the park for a group interview. The text had a smily face. It was pretty casual.


She and I were trying to figure out what she could wear to this interview because the company was so casual but she didn't want to come to an interview wearing a star wars t-shirt and sneakers. Not that thats a bad look, but it is pretty unprofessional, despite that this would be exactly what she would wear if she worked there.

She decides to go dressed in business casual, she's nervous about her interview but has done the best she can. 

When I see her next, she tells me just how awkward misjudging the clothing choice had made it for her.

Everyone (and there were about 20 people) had come in super casual clothing, oops.

Next, the interviewers noted her rather professional clothing choices by asking her of she would wear it to the job. 

She never got a call back and felt rather out of place after.

I'm not really sure how to end this one, so .... yep, something awkward happened. The end.

*awkwardly shuffles away, mumbling good bye*

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