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Today I was taking a long walk with one of my roommates. We were enjoying the sunshine and pretty plant life at the park when, as we came around a bend in the trail, before us were two other people walking and talking.

One, a young adult goth in black pants and black hoodie, the other, a middle aged amish looking guy with a beard, hat, button down, jeans, and boots.

We were both surprised by the juxtaposition. We subconsciously paused our conversation as they crossed paths with us. We didn't hear anything, but one word that was grunted in an odd way by the amish one.


I'm not sure what they were talking about, but we had to hold our laughter in for a fair ways before we let out our chuckles. 

I won't say where we live, but it's definitely no where near where you would see someone dressed in an amish fashion. 

And this is why you should walk in public parks more often.


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