Play that Funky Music

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I might be showing my age a bit with this one, but whatever (I was not born in the 90's, I just like old music!). You youths need to know your 70's music better!...and 80's.

This spring I went out with skittles to the lake, it was a warm, beautiful day and we had packed books and food and brought the intent to go swimming. A classical introvert date. We spent a long time picking the perfect spot, as the sun was hot enough that we wanted some shade, but not too much. We spread our blanket out and ate our lunch, and we read in the grass beneath an oak that dappled the sun across us. It was bliss! 

After a while, I was getting hot, so I suggested we go swim. It was spring, so the lake was still very cold and we ended up wading out to a tree and kicking the water. I may or may have not started a splash fight. 

 A boat came by us playing music and when I heard the song 'Play that funky music' by the wild cherries, I started dancing and pointing at Skittles. 

But I forgot that I wasn't alone. Skittles started to laugh as the boat came closer and blasted their music because they noticed I'd been singing to it and pointing at Skittles ( if you haven't caught on yet, Skittles is white and male). 

It was a little embarrassing, but I got over it because I was having such a wonderful time. I kinda like it when strangers can laugh together.

The below video is for those of you who have no idea what song I am referring to. Keep in mind this is an older song, and people had different racial attitudes. I just like it because it's catchy and I grew up listening to older music. 

#DeanMartin #TheClash


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