Introvert Sign Language in Class

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Basically I did whats in the picture.

My Professor asked the class what Isostasy was and I raised my hand, confident that I had the answer, which I did, but it was stuck firmly in my brain.

(isostasy is the principle thats something will float half in and out of water (or other liquid) depending upon its weight and density (in this case it was for mountain ranges floating in the asthenosphere)).

Instead of calmly stating this fact, I began to gesticulate wildly with my hands, 

'Its when the thing goes deeper because of the stuff....' I made swooping motions with my hand and tried to make a mountain with the other.

My professor either pretended that he understood my answer or he was actually able to figure it out. I don't really know.

I face palmed myself and sunk deeper into my chair.

Using mouth words is too hard.

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