Unfortunate Grocery Store Incident

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This happened to me today, so naturally I decided to write about it. At some point in your life today (February 15th 2016) I was in a grocery store making myself look like a complete idiot. I know the thought is very comforting.

I'm not a graceful person, this is why I am sometimes so lovingly called 'Gracy'. But thats not important for the story.

I like to walk to the grocery store (or I don't have car and my feet are my transportation) anyways, its about a mile away from where I live and I needed to get my weekly supply of sustenance (I got ingredients to cook chicken noodle soup!) Eggs were on the list (sadly we can't have chickens in the apartment... even though they are so much better than store bought)-

I'm making a ton of tangents and ( ) remarks.... sorry.... I'm tired and can't focus... who likes pie? I love it, but I hate blueberry pie, I can't stand warm blueberries, (normal temperature ones are delicious!)

I went to the egg section and reached for a carton to inspect the eggs. Sadly, I managed to hook the edge of the carton on another one and sent a dozen eggs flying through the aisle and on to me. They all broke.

The store was nice and didn't charge me, the guy who had to clean it up wasn't very happy, and it was awkward because I had run into him several times throughout the store before hand; there is only so much eye contact you can make with a stranger before it gets weird. I think he thought I was stalking him or trying to flirt.... by crushing eggs.... hmmm.

Anyways, I felt embarrassed and clumsy for the rest of the day after wiping egg goo off me and then walking a mile home with my grocery bags.

Moral of the story? Be careful with eggs my friends, they might just make you look like a stalker.

Awkward Introvert StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora