I 'Run' into more trouble

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This is related to my other story "I 'run' into trouble".

Pretty much same time and place. Except weirder.

I'm on one of my usual jogs, about to cross the street and get back to my house when I get ambushed by this kid I've never seen before (I never saw him after either) (remember this is late middle school time, I'm almost a freshman in high school).

I think there was something wrong with him upstairs.

He steps out in-front of me and my dog, so I slow to a walk and look longingly at my house. I'm not very talkative after a run because I tend to go inside my head and it takes me a while to remember how to go between the outside world and my own. (not like I'm that talkative anyway)

(pro-tip: If you don't like to run, pretend you're a character in a day dream. For example, you are hunting the orcs that took Mary and Pippin. Makes it pretty fun!)

'Will you be my girlfriend?' He asks, straight out of the blue.

'uh.....' I say, I cross the road, only twenty feet from my front door. He follows me. I get even more creeped out.

'no' I stammer, I turn away and jog up to the house.

He's now standing in my yard on the grass and clapping his hands saying something like,

"Will you go out with me!?"

I rush into my home, slam the door and lock it. I peep outside the window,

He's dancing on the lawn saying something like;

'I know you're in there! I won't leave!'

I shut the blinds and watch in fascinated horror until one of my parents comes home and he runs away.

I never saw the creepy stalker boy again (and I'm glad of that).

Please! Never ask someone out this way! Especially if you don't know them. That'd be great.

 That'd be great

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P.S. You are awesome if you get the above reference. 

P.S.S. If you don't get the reference and would like to know what it is, it is from Pride and Prejudice (which is amazing) please do your self a favor and read it. You are still awesome.

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