Chiropractor = awkward contact

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So, in my "old age", I injured my back doing squats before a run. I couldn't sleep lying down, it was great. I felt like a weird batman sleeping propped up on pillows.

I had to go to the chiropractor to fix this, and have been going for about 4 months now. 

Good news is I'm pretty much all better, I'm able to run again and sleep like a normal human. 

Bad news is I've had to let doctors touch my butt for 4 months because I sprained a lower back muscle and a glute. 

I don't know if you've ever had someone you don't know poke your bum to find out which muscles are hurt.

 (and if you have.... we may need to have a talk later... don't let random people touch you there)

But it is so uncomfortable! I think the weirdest part of it is you get used to it! 

        Dr.: Does it hurt here?

        Me: *writhing in pain* yes. yes it does. 

Regardless though, it was worth it to be fixed and I'd much rather feel better then protect my personal bubble pride.

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