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So a while ago Skittles (refer to chapter: Another Romance...Thing) made a move.

It was a coffee date. 

It was wonderful.

At first I thought, "Well that didn't have anything awkward in it... How can I write about that and what is wrong with me?" 

But thinking back now, we were awkward, we were just having so much fun we didn't notice. 

We went to a coffee store after we were both done with work and classes, he got us some coffee, as you do on a coffee date. Then we talked for three hours without even noticing.

Thinking back, we must've driven the workers there crazy, we sat in the same corner talking for three hours. I remember a guy went and mopped right up to us, to give a not so subtle, "please leave, you're super annoying and it'e late."

After we looked at our watches, we talked another hour! Some of which was spent walking back. 

I don't think I have too much to say in conclusion. I know it was short, but thats because sweet things are held in more than words. (that was rather poetic of me.... or gushy...)

But *coughcough* There will still be more Skittles stories to come.


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