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"so, maybe you will be ok, for next week's trip to the lake?" Azula asked as she knew of the plan Uncle Benny had. We were on the dinner on the second floor, there were patients and kids, and of course doctors and nurses.

It was a miracle they had let me out of my room after last night's hemorrhage, Dr.Reed had been there with me until i had all my signals stabilized and ever stayed after the nurses left.

"what is in that pretty little head of yours?" Jo asked as i blushed and looked to by side. There, two tables over was Dr.Reed engaged in conversation with another young doctor, they were talking and a pretty red head sited beside them touching his shoulder and kissing his cheek.

"someone is crushing for the second time!" Azula signed as she looked at me and i looked confused as to way for the second time.

"why second?" i asked and she smiles and shook her head as said something that amused her.

"well you didn't withheld the fact that you have a crush on him. And miss 'memory lost' i inform you, your crush is about a month old." she said and i thought was she just said, so i liked him even before this all happened, but how could i not, the man is perfect.

"you know, the last time you crushed on him you were concerned about the age difference..."Jo added, and i realized that i didn't know anything about the man, but it was all a silly infatuation, or wasn't it?

"how, old is he again?" i asked smiling, i just was curious, nothing more.

"oh god, you are helpless!!" Azula screamed and all of us laughed, we were smiling and throwing our napkins at each other as a strong hand was placed on my right shoulder.

"what are you girl laughing at, the whole hospital can hear you" the voice said, and i knew it was the one and only Dr.Reed.

"hello doctor" they both said in unison and i laughed at them, the were as whipped as me in the presence of him.

"hello girls. Amelia i need to talk with you for a moment" he said and instead of being behind me, he appeared in front with that beautiful smile of his.

"ok..." i said and he took my hand without consulting me if i wanted to go out, but he did and walked me to the little room for kids at the side, it was empty and he sat on one of the couches, leaving space in the same one for me.

"how are you feeling" he asked concerned and took a look at my face, i couldn't look away from him even if i wanted to.

"good, thank you for being there last night" i said and he placed his hand on my cheek as he smiled with a nostalgic emotion in his eyes.

"whenever you need me" he answered and i succumbed to him, hugging his strong shoulders and feeling his arms encircle me without any sign of hesitation.

"you are the best Dr.Reed" i breathed and i felt like a little kid in the arms of their hero.

He took my head in his hand and looked at me in the eyes, they had small signals of tears on them, and i was confused as to why was that.

"i got so scared when i saw you entering the ER. Please, never do that again, i don't know how i survived that entire time, you were out, dead" he said and i wondered how this man was so caring for me, a nobody, well... his patient.

"i-i mean" i was interrupted by a nurse and a female doctor, calling Dr.Reed. That took his hands away from my waist, i didn't realize that they made a nice warmth that i sought.

"Dr.Reed box number 11 now" the long haired brunette said as she looked at him with a weird expression almost like loading him, for what? i didn't know.

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