Chapter Two

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"Marcel!" I kept my head down, avoiding Zayn. He was nice, but at the same time, he was a jerk. He spent all his time doing spray painting his vulger graffiti all over the little stores around the corner. I swear, Zayn smells of trouble. Almost like he takes troubled bubble baths every night. Well, I doubt he takes bubble baths. Maybe he just shower in Hell. In midd thought I felt myself be suddenly moved out of my seat and my back now stinging was resting on the Non-fiction section of the book shelf.

'Listen dork, I don't want you talking to my girl anymore. The littlest thought of you trying to talk to her sickens me. She'd never go for some lame nerd like yourself. So stay the hell away." I winced everytime Zayn raised his voice and came closer to me. By this point I was shaking more than a wet puppy. Zayn snickered and left me there.

But the only thing I could think of now was, who was his girl? Then it hit me, Ashia. I scurried to my feet, grabbing my books, and rushing down the hallway towards the janitor's closet. I felt as though I was going to cry. But why? I don't like Ashia like that. Do I? No, no you don't Marcel, god don't be stupid. I dried up my face and headed back into the hallway. I needed to get my chemistry binder out of my locker anyways so I met as well go ahead.

And like never before, Ashia was leaning on my locker. 'Crapcakes.'

"Marcel!" She was smiling at me? Why me? I gave her a quick smile before shooing her off my locker, hoping she would leave, but she of course, did not. "Hey, look Marcel, I'm sorry for what I said the other day. I didn't mean it, I swear it was just, Zayn and Carrie, they were listening to our conversation, well my side of it. And I- I couldn't, so I'm sorry. Forgive me?" She looked genuinely sorry. But sadly I could no longer talk to her.

"Look Ashia, I forgive you, but I can no longer talk to you here at school, I-I'm so very sorry." I quietly shut my locker and headed to chemistry, and by now I could tell that today would be a long day.


A/N: sorry for the short chapter people whom are reading this. but i've been very busy and i'll write a longer one for the next chapter, i promise. thanks for the votes and comments and reads guys! means the world! :D


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