Chapter Four

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I took a deep breath, studying myself in my bedroom mirror. I was wearing my old brown boots, black skinny jeans, and my favorite plaid shirt. My hair was it's natural curly self, it was kind of annoying having to brush it out of my eyes every five seconds. But it should be worth it all.


I opened to doors to the school, walking in and towards my locker. Every girl in the halls were looking at me with lust filled eyes, and all the boys with jealousy in their's. This was definitely new. A perky girl with bouncy, blonde hair and shinny brown eyes. "Hey! You must be new! Can I show you around?" I smiled and shook my head. "I know where to go, thanks though darlin' " She giggled. "Well if you ever did me for anything just call me, okay hun?" She placed a piece of paper in my back pocket before walking off. This was weird..Nobody knew who I was..Maybe Ashia wouldn't recognize me. Then all this would have been for nothing. I took the paper out of my pocket to look at it:

"Hey hun, The name is Delaney, call me ;) 555-9826. ;) "

What a vulgar approach! Was this how every body talked now?! This was nasty and over sexual! I shoved the paper back in my pocket and continued towards where Ashia's locker was located. And there she was, the beautiful Ashia, leaning up against her locker, having a conversation with Zayn and his best friend Liam. I walked up to them, and they strangely acted as though I wasn't there, when all anyone else could do was stare.

"Uh-Hello guys." I smiled. Liam looked over at me, his scowl quickly switching into a beam of joy. "Hey new kid! Name's Liam, what's up?" I shrugged and leaned back onto the locker. I felt as though somebody else was staring at me, and I turned my head only to see Ashia checking me out. I coughed, making her bring her eyes back up to my eyes. She giggled nervously and blushed. Dang she looked so adorable right now. "H-Hi, I'm Ashia..You are?" I was shocked! How could she not know it was me?! Did I look that different!? Did nobody notice me?! What was different about this new me compared to the old. I looked at the ground and sighed, "I'm Harry."

"Well it's nice to meet you Harry! I'm Zayn, and this fair perfection is my girlfriend Ashia, and my best mate Liam." I looked up at Zayn who looked like pure joy was all the world was made of. But he was so wrong, all of this was so wrong.


"Hey Harry!" I turned around to see Liam running towards me, "Want to sit with me, Ashia, and Zayn at lunch?" I nodded. I guess that would be like a kind of date with Ashia. "Great! Come on! We got to get going before all the good food is gone!" Me and Liam sprinted through the hallways towards the lunchroom. I half to admit, as wrong as this was, it was nice knowing I had "friends" now, other than having bullies and Ashia.


"You got the dork Marcel's favorite meal! The lunch lady pretty much only makes corn beef hash for that dweeb, right Zaynie-boo?" I felt as though I was about to both throw up and cry at everything she just said. I was distracted by Zayn's annoying laughter filling the lunch room. "You hit it dead on the nose babe!" I jerked up, snatching my tray and storming out of the school, I could'nt be Harry anymore, it was going to drive me crazy.

I remembered the note in my pocket, pulling it out and calling Delaney, I decided to take her up on her offer.


A/N: SO what do you guys think?! Should Marcel quit being Harry, or continue, what do you think will happen after Delaney? Let me know what you guys think in the comments below and thank you SO VERY MUCH for reading, voting and or course commenting! :D xx

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