Chapter Twenty-Three

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The Winning Themes:

-Ashia and Marcel


Woot Woot!

--  -- -- -- -- -- --

A s h i a

I woke up to my iPhone ringing off the hook, I had over 50+ messages and over 20+ missed calls, all from Marcel.

The last message was the one that caught me the most off guard.

Hey Ashia, Look I’m sorry for leaving you for Delaney the other day, that was wrong of me. I get that you no longer want anything to do with me, but the more I call and text you, the more my heart aches to hear your voice. At least make your own answering machine so that I can hear your voice. But please, please call me back.  I know I shouldn’t say this, but it’s the truth, I love you Ashia.”

Could he really love me? But he’s still with Delaney,  this makes no sense.

I decided what I needed was some advice, and I also knew that Liam gave the best.



“Hey Liam, can we meet up later?”

“Uh-Sure, what’s up Ashy?”

“I just need some advice.”

“Oh okay, Marcel troubles?”


“Okay, well I’ll see you around five.”

“Okay, Bye Liam.”

“Bye Ashy.”


So that’s why I’m sitting here at Starbucks at six, sipping a frappe, and texting Chelsea.

I’ve texted Liam twice, and I’ve gotten no response.

Did Liam really blow me off?

I decided to pay for my frappe and leave Starbucks, he wasn’t going to show up.


L i a m

“What time is it?”

“Seven thirty, why?”

“Crap! I forgot to meet up with Ashia today!”

“Why were you two going to meet up?”

“She’s having Marcel troubles.”

“I’m sorry Li-Bear.”

“It’s okay Niall. I’ll call you later okay?”

“Okay, bye Liam.”

“Bye Niall.”

I kissed Niall goodbye and ran over to my car, pulling out my cellphone and calling Ashia. No answer.


M a r c e l

I tried calling Ashia again for the 30th time today, still no answer. But she did make her own answering machine.

Hello, sorry for not picking up the phone, maybe try again later?”

Written In DorkWhere stories live. Discover now