Chapter Five

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Delaney and me walked hand in hand in school the next day, it was odd, but this was the favor I asked for. And honestly, right now the look on Ashia's face couldn't be better.


"Hey Delaney? It's Harry. Yea, you said I had a nice butt. Haha. Can you do me a favor? Can you pretend to be my girlfriend? Depends. Okay thanks. "

I walked over to her house, me and her had a nice long talk about how this would all play out, but when I asked her why she agreed to do this, she just squeezed my hand and told me how everything plays out in her favor by the end of the game. I didn't get it, but I guess it made some since to her.

*End Flashback*

"Delaney and Harry? How did I not see this coming! The two new kids in school. So, how did this happen so quickly?" As I listened to Zayn I couldn't help, but feel daggers being sent my way. I turned to see Ashia was the provider of the daggered eyes. And wordless threats. It kind of scared me seeing her seethed in such a way. But I got over it, remembering why I was doing this in the first place. She was with Zayn.

"It just sort of happened, itsn't that right Haz?" I smiled, nodding in approval at her choice of words. She was smart, and quick with a lie. You could tell she's done this a lot. Which was a little odd at the fact that she was practically throwing herself at me, and every other single guy who walked the halls. Well all of them but my true self. Gosh, if she only knew. But sadly she didn't, and she wouldn't ever guess it either.

Zayn smirked, grabbing Ashia harshly by her waist, making her whimper at the sudden harshness. I couldn't help but want to knock Zayn on his arse for making her feel even that slightest of pain. That one little move made me wonder what else Zayn was forcing her to do. But then again maybe I was over reacting.

My grip on Delaney's hand got stronger as I pulled her away from Ashia and Zayn. Their eyes following us as we left, I could feel Zayn's amused grin burning into the back of my skull, and all I wanted to do right now was knock it off his face.

I heard a yelp, and I suddenly was broken out of my thoughts. Turning around to meet Delaney's fear filled eyes, I gulped. What had I done, I looked down at our hands, realizing how I was gripping harder and harder with each thought of Zayn pulsing through my brain. I lightened my grip, rubbing my other hand on top of her's and kissing the back of it, muttering an apology, which she quickly accepted.

Why was she like this? She was like a drone..Almost as if she was used to being used and battered. It sickens me to think such things, and I hate myself for hurting her like that. And I hate myself even more for using her, I mean, when you took away to rough outer shell that she had, she was such a sweet girl. She was almost just like Ashia, accept that Ashia was smarter, and always had something witty to say whenever you teased her. It was cute. That's what she was, cute. I sighed and look into Delaney's eyes, her eyes were still teared up slightly from when I had hurt her hand. She must have noticed how distraught I looked cause she had placed her spare hand on my cheek, cupping it and rubbing her smooth thumb over my dimple, making me shudder. I smiled and leaned my head onto her hand, this was nice. If only it was Ashia. No, I need to stop doing that. It was wrong.

"It's okay Harry, It'll all be okay in the end , I promise." I opened my eyes, not realizing that they were closed, I stared into her's. "How do you know?" She sighed, "I just kn-" I cut her off by removing her hand and holding that one as well. "You don't know, as much as you think you do, you don't. Heck, you don't even know me. Just last week you wouldn't give me the time of day! What changed?!" Delaney looked awfully confused at my words, all I could do was shake my head and mutter a simple never mind before continuing down the hall with her. This was going to be harder than I thought.


A/N: Okay, I've run out of amazing people to dedicate for the support of this book! So I guess first comment with somebody who states that they've helped me by voting for this chapter get the dedication. :) xx

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