Chapter Nine

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A/N: i had written a really long chapter but this douche bag computer shut off and i didnt save it so ill try and re-write what i remember and i swear this was my favorite chapter too. ;'c


{Back to Marcel/Harry POV}

I rolled over, this air mattress was extremely uncomfortable, but all my frustration faded as I remembered last night's scenes and why I was here.


"I only kissed her because it was a dare! I swear I'm not gay!" I laughed, losing my balance a little at the story she had told. A little bit of Pepsi dripped out of my mouth from laughing so hard. Delaney shot up off the bed screeching a bunch of 'ew's. I snorted embarrassingly, blushing a little at my actions. 

"I'm sorry Del, I won't do anything that gross on purpose I swear." I moved the blankets over patting beside me, telling her where I wanted her to sit. She sat back down, grabbing the ceramic bowl full of white cheddar popcorn, something we both had in common. (We both loved white cheddar popcorn). 

I turned my focus back to the movie we were watching. Me and Del had both decided on watching the movie Ted. It was great, I went to get some popcorn at the same time she did, our hands brushing slightly making me blush a little. She rolled her eyes while muttering a 'don't get all cheesy on me now.' I chuckled, grabbing a handful and popping them into my mouth one by one. 

"No Teddy! Don't hug the strange man! He's going to kidnap you! That's right run over to your whore!" I couldn't help but burst out laughing at her choice words. "Oh shut up Marcel, you know as well as I do, she's a whore, and that guy is a creep." I nodded stuffing more popcorn in my mouth as the movie continued.

Ted was great, we laughed at the funny parts, cried when Ted split in half, and jumped up on top of her bed jumping and giggling when Ted came back to life. I was so caught up in the moment that the next thing I knew, my lips were on her's.

Her lips tasted like strawberry Fruttare, covered in perfection, cloaked in chocolate, with rainbow sprinkles on top. We stayed like this, lips on lips for a few seconds before pulling away, the blood rushing to both of our cheeks.

We made some sort of a silent agreement with our eyes as we cuddled together on the couch, putting in the next movie which was Project X. 

I wasn't focused on watching a movie anymore, as I was thinking about what a ninny I was for spending most of my high school life crushing on Ashia when I could have been in love with Del this whole time. What a waste my Ashia crush was. All I ever needed as right here in my lap, her head leaning on my chest.

Del must have sensed I wasn't watching the movie, because she had turned to look up at me, catching my gaze and looking back down self consciously. 

"I know I'm not Ashia, but can we p-please make this work somehow?" She looked back up at me. Her eyes filled with sorrow and hope.

I smiled,kissing her temple,and whispering in her ear, "But it's already working."

Del giggled, leaning up to give my lips a quick peck before putting her head back on my chest, curling her body into me more.

This was all I needed to make me happy. 

*End Flashback*

"Oh look! Grumpy is finally awake!" 

I looked over to where Del's voice was coming from. She giggled, Del looked as perfect as ever.

She was wearing that red and blue top, and some sweats that were a little too big for her, and in her arms I saw her little kitten, Meemoo, curled into her chest, wanting warmth.

I got out of bed, deflating the mattress and plopping onto the couch rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands. "What time is it Del?"

She looked over at the giant grandfather clock in the corner of her living room. "It's noon, which means you shouldn't be tired, and I shouldn't make you breakfast. But I can make us some lunch!" She beamed, setting Meemoo down and trotting into the kitchen.

I rubbed my hands back onto my eyes until I saw stars and my eyes were aching. 

I got up and went into the kitchen behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist, and resting my head on her shoulder.

"So, what's cookin' good lookin' " I tried to use my best American accent, failing a little. 

She laughed, "Grilled cheese you goof." 

I rolled my eyes, watching as she placed the two sandwiches on different plates, putting pickles on one. I scrunched my nose up as she brought a pickle close to my face.

"No way Del! Those things are Satan's food. In other words, they're nasty as hell!" 

She laughed, eating the pickled slice, grabbing her plate, and handing me mine. 

We sat down on the couch, I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her a little bit closer to me as we started the first movie of our lazy day together.

Me and her had played rock, paper, scissors. And I won, so we were going to watch LOL starring Miley Cyrus. It was a good movie, I had to admit that much.

"Oh, Marcel, if you or Del leave anytime today, make sure she locks the door! I won't be home until three and I don't want to come home to an unlocked door again!"

I nodded, "Yes maim, Ms. Peters, I'll make sure the door is locked if we leave." 

Ms. Peters, Del's mum, nodded, blowing a quick kiss to Del and walking out the door.

I laughed as Del groaned in embarrassment, "It could be worse and you know it as well as I do." She nodded, cuddling into my side. 

This couldn't be any better, Del, Meemoo, and myself. This is all I wanted, to love and be loved. And to have a cat. My mum is allergic to cats. Hence why I have a turtle.

"Marcel?" I looked over at Del who was trying to reach her glass of milk on the coffee table. 

I chuckled, leaning forward getting it for her, "You're lazier than the lads on the football team when it comes to cleaning their room."

"I know, but it's who I am." I kissed her temple, nodding in agreement.

I was right, this was all I wanted to do today, cuddle with the girl I was falling hard for, and watching movies while a cat purrs on my neck. 

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