Chapter Eleven

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{Liam's POV}

"So what did you want to talk about Liam?" I was hesitant to answer, and I knew I probably look like a fool right now. I looked down at my feet, clearing my mind for a second before returning my gaze back up to admire those sterling pastel blue eyes. I loved how they had some silver beside the pupil, growing outward and fading in the blue, and he farther out the blue went the deeper in shade it went. Niall's eyes were heaven.

I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "I...I..just wanted to h-hang out is all.." Niall nodded, he smiled, making my stomach do flips. Why and how did this one boy have such a strong affect on me? I hoped deep down he liked me as I liked him. That's when it hit me, I didn't even ask him if he had a girlfriend or boyfriend or any kind! How could I have been so stupid! What if is taken by somebody! I'm such an idiot!

"You're not an idiot Liam, why would you say that?" I gasped, coughing quickly to cover up the fact that I did indeed just gasped like a little girl. I shrugged, continuing my walk to Niall's flat with him. Had I said everything out loud, or was it just that one thing? If I said everything else, he sure didn't show any signs of hearing it.


"I WIN AGAIN! IN YOUR FACE LIAM! WHO'S THE MASTER AT FIFA?!" I belted out a laugh chanting 'Niall's the best' as he danced around his flat. "I missed this." I was taken back by his choice words.

"Wha-" "I missed my bestie!" I was enveloped in a giant Horan hug, chuckling nervously at this Irish lads actions.

"Hey Nialler? I gotta ask you something, as long as it's okay with you." He nodded, looking more serious all of a sudden. "Are you dating anybody?" He chuckled, blushing lightly before nodding.

"I...I am actually...her name's Chelsea...s-she's sweet, a-" I couldn't even listen to him anymore. The boy I was so much in love with was dating a girl. He was straight, there was no chance we could be together, ever. I was such an idiot!

I got up quickly storming out Niall's flat, slamming the door behind me, and driving to the nearest bar. I needed a drink, badly.


{Marcel's POV}

I lounged back in the theater seat, my arm wrapped protectively over Del's shoulder as the movie came on, we were going to watch World War Z starring Brad Pitt. Everybody said it was the best movie ever, well I was about to see first hand if they were right.

"Holy shit fuck!" I was startled by Del shouting profanities, I was find with the occasional times at home, were there were no kids around, but when we were in public I wish she wouldn't.

"Del, there's a little girl sitting in front of you, and if her mother could hear you she could hear you too." Del looked angry at my choice words, glaring at me, she huffed, throwing my arm off her shoulder, causing it to fall on my lap harshly. "I'm sorry b-babe I just..-" She got up, storming out of the theater, I reluctantly followed, I hated public scenes like this.

"You're not my mother Marcel! You're my boyfriend!" I stopped walking all of a sudden, she officially titled me as her boyfriend. She must have noticed what she said cause she stopped walking. "I..well that is if you want me to call you..that..I..I'm sorry." Her blushing was the cutest thing.

I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her cheek. "You can call me that...girlfriend. And I'm sorry for back there..I jus-"

"Don't you dare say you're sorry for that, I'm sorry for creating a scene." I smiled, interlocking our fingers and getting back into the theater. I didn't like fighting, and I hope this never happens again between us.


From: Ashia): To:Marcel (4:56pm):

some friend u r. ur bst frend is @ buddah hes drivin him hme. ttyn.

To:Ashia): From:Marcel (4:58pm):

liam hates drinking. nice try though.


A/N: sorry for all the author's notes where chapters should be! ): and this chapter pretty much sucks to me but anywho, tell me what you think! do you ship Niall+Chelsea or Niall+Liam. Love it? Hate it? Comment about it! :) Thanks to all who read, vote, and comment! Love you guys! :D xxxx

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