Chapter Twenty-four

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a s h i a 

"Uhm, hey Ashia, I was wondering if you'd please call back. I. I'd really like to talk to you, it's very important and uhm...just please call back. I miss hearing you're unrecorded voice."

That was the thirteenth time Marcel had called me since Liam dissed me. All the other messeges were worthless to a point; but this one message really got to me. I don't understand what could've been so important and he had to call me at three a.m. But for whatever reason, I called back as soon as I finished listening to his sweet voice through the speakers of my phone.

Halfway through the second ring; I hung up. I needed to see him in person, right now. So instead of rationally calling his home to see if it was okay with him; I instead crawled into my car and drove there in my Tweety Bird pajama pants and matching tank top set; paired with flawless bed head. 

So that's basically how I'm at his house, looking like a total stalker as I stare into his bedroom window; hoping his lamp turns on. Now; a normal person would've called and told the other person that they were half-dressed and at their house.

But no, instead I crawl up the side of the porch and loudly knock on his window; startling him awake and onto the floor.

m a r c e l

It was 3:26 a.m; it's been eleven minutes since Ashia called and hung up as soon as I was about to answer. 

I was trying to stay up to see if she would hopefully call back; but guessing it was a loss cause, I went to sleep. Dreaming about her of course.

Now generally, once I'm asleep, nothing will ever wake me up. But then again, I generally don't have the love of my life knocking frantically at my bedroom window at three in the morning.

So stumbling out of bed in a frantic panic of 'what's and 'omg's. I finally composed myself enough to open the window and letting her in. 

a s h i a 

Awkwardly crawling through his window and planting myself firmly on his unmade bed; I realized how shocked and flustered he looked. And how I had no idea what I was planning on saying to him.

So I said the first thing that came to mind.

"How are you?"

m a r c e l

Did she seriously just ask how I was? She drives to my house at three a.m, startles me awake, crawls through my bedroom window. Then acts as though it was a normal everyday thing. 

"What the bloody fuck are you doing here at three a.m?!"

Mentally slapping myself I recoil, I shouldn't have been so harsh, but then again. What the fuck was she doing?

I quickly studied her frame; from her tapping toes to her awful bedhead. She was still fragile and beautiful. Like a butterfly; and I'm the gardener who got lucky enough to have her float around in my greenhouse that is life.

"I wanted to talk to you in person..?"

I stifled a laugh at how awkwardly adorable she was unknowingly being right now. 

But before I could answer to her half statement/ half question. I got a call from somebody ready to ruin any moment.



hi guys!! long time no update right? well, I've finally edited and roughdrafted and basically finished editing this chapter and yayyy. 

so as usual like it? hate it? comment about it! I love reading all your perfect comments that just make my life even better cx

anywho since i haven't updated in forever; i'll be doing a new thing for the next few updates that are coming up including this one~

so first one to comment gets the dedication and you must have also voted and be following me already and boom you get a dedication.

anywho i love you guys, thank you soso much for reading and i hope you enjoyed xx

Written In DorkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora