Chapter Twenty-One

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D e l a n e y

I stormed out of Chill, the sight of Ashia doing that irks my nerves. How dare she?! 

It's not really like I like Marcel, it's just that if he starts falling for Ashia again, my plan will be ruined. 

I scoffed, leaning on the side of Marcel's truck, waiting for him to follow me out here like the whipped little puppy he is. 

Soon enough, he was walking out, I quickly jerked my foot backwards, causing it to get cut on a loose piece of metal under his truck.

Just as planned a few tears slipped out of my eyes. 

"I'm so so so sorry baby, please don't cry."

Marcel came up to me, cupping my face in his hands, rubbing away the few tears that were staining my perfectly blushed cheeks.

He leaned in like he as going to kiss me, but I swiftly turned my head making him kiss my cheek instead. If he thought I was going to let him kiss me after Ashia's lip gloss is still fresh on his thin lips, he has another thing coming.

It was time to play hard to get, poor poor Marcel, he was about to get spun around in my web of lies.

A s h i a

After Marcel left, I quickly pulled out my cell, sending out a tweet directed towards him. 

Sighing I got out of my seat, walking over to the door, flipping the neon 'open' sign on, to alert the hungry people out there that Chill was now open for business.


After a long, boring day of work, I quickly clocked out, bumping into my co-worker Veronica on the way out. She was super sweet, and new to my school.

I was the one who told her about the job opening here, and the one who introduced her to her new best bud, and my ex boyfriend, Zayn.

"Sorry Ashie." I chuckled at the nickname she gave me, it was pretty cool.

"It's okay Vee."

She beamed, walking past me and into the back to get ready for her shift.

I pulled out my iPhone, sending out a quick tweet to Chelsea, suggesting we go get some Starbucks.

She quickly responded to my tweet with a 'hell yeah! ;P'

I chuckled at her response, hoping into my car and driving off to go pick her up. Her car was having problems, and was in her uncle's body shop for the next few days, maybe weeks.


"Thanks for taking me out girly!"

I chuckled, "No problem Chelsea."

She buckled up, pulling out her phone which was vibrating, signalling she had a call.

"Oh hey baby. What's wrong? You did what?! Why?! So what are you gay or something?! Am I not good enough for you?! Whatever Niall,save it!"

She huffed, throwing her phone into her purse, crossing her arms and glaring out the window.

I knew better than to ask her what was up, but by what I heard, Niall told her about kissing Liam, and she's breaking up with him.

Poor Niall, he's probably just confused, which is perfectly normal, and I wish she would accept the fact that he's just confused about his sexuality. And she didn't have to go and throw in his face that he was 'gay' he was probably just bisexual, but nooooo, you kiss a person of the same sex and all of a sudden you're gay.

"Sorry you had to hear that Ashia."

"It's okay."

"No it's not, but whatever."

I mentally groaned, once she gets pissed, she'll be looking for an argument from anybody and everybody. 


A/N: like it? hate it? comment about it! and i added a cute gif of harry on the side, where he's saying 'wow' because WOW i never thought this book would get so popular, thank you guys so much!! <333 xx

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