Chapter Ten

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{Zayn's POV} *woah there*

Ashia was practically cuddling herself on the other side of the couch, and damn was she making me mad. She's giving me the silent treatment for calling Liam a fag. Which he is! Since when does Liam like boys anyways? Oh, god I wonder if he liked them from the start. God, ew no, I was naked in front of him before! I hope this was something recent, and maybe he's not gay, maybe he's just bisexual. I sure as hell hope he's bi, cause if he's straight on gay, then we're going to have some issues. And I especially think it's weird that he's having these gay feelings toward my ex best friend, Niall Horan. Niall was such a little freak. I hate him, I really do, I wish that Irish little twat would run away and never come back. Let him be gay somewhere else! Yea that's right, Niall is gay too! It's gross, how could one guy find another guy attractive!

I sighed, rolling my head to look at Ashia. She looked so pissed off, it was so cute. I leaned towards her, rubbing my hand over her knee. "I'm sorry babe, can you please forgive me?" She didn't say anything, and kept watching 'I Love Lucy'. "Please let me hear your cute little voice babe. Pretty please? Just for me?" Still nothing. I huffed, flinging myself back over to my side. I was getting nowhere with her.'

"I'm not the one you have to say sorry to you douche." I beamed, looking over at her, she still had a scowl played on both her lips and in her eyes. She was sending daggers towards the telly, even though they were meant for me.

"I'll tell Liam I'm sorry, I swear, just please babe, forgive me?" She huffed, rolling her eyes and pulling out her phone to text somebody. This girl was bloody impossible! I scoffed, sulking back down on my side of the couch, looking at the TV, but not watching it. I was too deep in thought to watch this stupid show, how could Ashia say that this was her favorite show?! It was terrible! And in black and white!

"You can't so you're sorry without meaning it, so don't apologize, and don't talk to me, until you have a meaning behind your words." And with that said, and my mouth agape at her sudden harshness, Ashia stood up, collecting her things and leaving me there to think about everything.

"For christs sake!" I groaned, hitting the back of my head on the couch. This girl was something else, I swear sometimes, she's not worth all of this.

{Harry's POV}

"I win!" I groaned, leaning back in my seat, this was the tenth game we've played of 'Chutes and Ladders' and the ninth time I've lost. Del was pretty good at this game, I have to give her that if anything. "So handsome, what's my reward for beating your tush!"

I smirked at her, as she giggled, I leaned in giving her a passionate kiss that lasted about five seconds before pulling away and putting the game back in the box. I didn't even notice Del got up until I felt her wrap her arms around me from behind, resting her head on my back. She knew I loved it when she did this, which is why she did it quite often.

I turned around handing her the game to put up, but all she did was pout. "Marcey boo, I'm too short! I can't reach the top of my cabinet! You put it up there you human giraffe!" She giggled, giving my hand a light squeeze.

I rolled my eyes at her choice words, putting the game up and sitting down on my sofa, patting the stop next to me, watching Del cuddle up beside, and giving her temple a quick kiss before watching Duck Dynasty with her.

Somehow this show had become our favorite over these last few weekends. It was something we could both laugh at, and learn something from. I heard light buzzing coming from my back pocket, shifting so I can pull out my cell, I had two new text messages.



From: Ashia): To:Marcel(3:34pm):

zayns a douche. can i come over?? pls??

To:Ashia): From:Marcel (3:36pm):

sorry, busy, rain check??

From:Ashia): To:Marcel (3:37pm):

ya, its cool i guess. ttyl marcelian. bye. <3

To:Ashia): From:Marcel (3:39pm):

marcelian?? thats offence. ttyl ashia. bye.


From:Leyum To:Marcel (3:29pm):

can u n delaney come over tomorrow round 4?? were havin a prty!! ttyl bro!! xD

To:Leyum From:Marcel (3:42pm):

del says sure. so well see you guys tomorrow. ttyl man. >:P

From:Leyum To: Marcel (3:43pm):

SWEET BEANS!! c u guys then!! n hey can i ask u somethin?? no h8 rite??

To:Leyum From: Marcel (3:44pm):

course man no hate. was up?

From:Leyum To:Marcel (3:46pm):

i think im in luv with niall....


A/N: SO what do you guys think of this chapter? love it? hate? comment about it please! thank you to all the views! 2000+ wow! :D

thank you for all the votes! and thank you for getting me in

Teen Fiction #739 and Fan Fiction #989 !!

Im trying to get higher in fan fiction, because i dont want to get kicked out again. ):

so please vote! :D

and thanks to everyone who reads, votes, and comments! Love you guys! :D xxxx

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