Chapter Eighteen

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{{Liam's POV}}

It was three in the morning when I got the call from Niall, asking me to meet him at our usual hangout at Game Stop. He said he'd be there around four, but it was already six and he still wasn't here. If he wasn't here in ten more minutes, I was leaving, I'm freezing and none of the nearby shops are open yet.

But there he was, pulling in the parking lot at the last possible second. I saw him get out of the car, breathing heavy and looking around, a bewildered look in his eyes. That was until they landed on a shivering mess, of myself. 

Niall ran over to me, pulling his coat over me and dragging me to his truck, knowing that I walked because I lived two blocks away, where as he lived ten. 

Once I was warm and cozy in the heated car that was Niall's. He finally spoke. At first his words were mumbled, and rushed, making them fall together in something I couldn't understand. But it sounded like he was saying he was sorry. But I wasn't going to accept unless I heard it clearly. 

He looked over at me, his eyes glimmering, but he restrained himself from letting the tears fall. I could tell how sorry he was. But it was fine, honestly. And I told him that too, but he believes it's not okay, that he should have called me. 

It wouldn't have helped, because my phone died a few minutes after I had gotten to Game Stop. I told him that too, but he still kept saying that it was his fault. That if he had just told Chelsea he had to go the first time she called, he would have already had been here. 

I told him harshly to hush it, that it was fine and I wasn't mad at him. I only wanted to know why he wanted to meet me at Game Stop at four in the morning. 

And that's when everything went tumbling downhill.


{{Ashia's POV}}

I groaned as my loud alarm clock went off, I roughly slammed my palm on the snooze button, climbing lazily out of bed and over to my bathroom, turning on the water and sitting down on the sink, grabbing my toothbrush to brush my teeth while the water heats up. 

I stripped down, stepping into the steaming shower, pulling the thin shower curtains closed behind me. I threw my head back, a satisfied moan escaped my lips as the hot water ran through my hair and down my back. 

It was going to be freezing once I left the house, but that's London for you. 

I turned the knobs, making the water stop flowing, and opened up the shower curtains, stepping out and onto the small mat on the tiled floor. 

I grabbed my white towel, wrapping it securely around my body, grabbing the blow dryer and quickly drying my hair.

After drying up, I went back into my bedroom, pulling out some underwear, and matching bra, skinny jeans, my work shirt, and a black hoodie and quickly got dressed, leaving me barely enough time to apply some mascara, eyeliner, and grey eye-shadow before heading out side and into my truck.

I had twenty minutes to get to work, I just got a new job working at Chill, a frozen yogurt store that was right beside Game Stop. 

I pulled into the parking lot, getting out of my truck, and briskly walking towards Chill.

I ended up walking straight towards a giant red truck, blocking the entrance to the front door.

Just as I was about to bang on the window to get the driver to move, is when I was them.

Liam and Niall were having a full on snogging session. 


A/N; i feel as though my story is starting to suck :c

i mean, i guess it was just that  last chapter you guys didn't like?

idk anywho, like it?hate it? comment about it!


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