Chapter Sixteen

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{{Ashia's POV}}

I hung up the phone on Marcel. He was going to go over to Del's and woo her back into his strong arms. I blinked, clearing up my now blurring vision. Why did Del always get the guy? 

Me and her had grown up together, before I moved. Our mom's were best friends. She was always so pretty, and funny, and smart. My mum would always brag about her, but never about me. When Del's dad died, her mum went into depression. She stopped going to work, or leaving her bedroom. She lost her job, then she lost her house. My mum offered for Del and her mum to move into our spare bedroom. Me and Del became even closer after they moved in. We shared a bedroom, her mum wanted to be alone. We always colored every morning, and played with our dolls every night. She was my only and my closest friend. 

That all began to fade away as we entered middle school. We only had one class together, which was math. She had made so many new  friends, she had her first kiss on the second week of school. Del was popular, and ever body loved her. I only had two other friends, Casey and Annah. 

By the end of our eighth grade year, Del had a dated half of the boys in our school, and we never talked anymore. Though we still shared a room, it didn't mean anything anymore. 

She grew up quicker than I ever allowed myself too. My mum always took her out. They went bra shopping, they went out to eat all the time, and my mum payed for Del to start being a cheer leader. There was no price tag when it came to anything Del wanted. I ended up seeking mother ship from my friend Casey's mum. She was the one who bragged about both me and Casey. She took us both out to eat, and bra shopping for the first time. She taught me about puberty, and growing up. When I was depressed, she cheered me up. She taught me to bake, to write in cursive, she helped me study. And she helped me learn how to ride a bike. 

Casey's mum, Mrs. Miller, was my motherly figure. But all of that ended one afternoon. 

I was walking down stairs, my mum was watching TV in the living room, and Del was at cheer practice. My mum called me over to the couch, she spun me around and snapped my bra strap. I remember how painful it was and I remember her yelling at me. Asking me why I was stealing from Del. I told her about how Mrs.Miller bought it for me. And then I just told her everything else she's done for me. My mum slapped me, dragging me out of the house and driving over to Casey's house. Her and Mrs. Miller got into a  huge fight, Casey was crying with me. We were both too scared to disrupt them. Luckily Mr.Miller pulled up into the drive way, he got out and started asking all of these different questions. My mum shoved him, he fell down the front porch steps, Casey, her mum, and me all ran over to him. I was barely to him, when I was roughly picked up and thrown into the backseat of my mum's car. She drove away without a second glance. And that same night Mr.Miller went passed away from head trauma and my mum was arrested. Delaney blamed it all on me, she said I was selfish, and that I wanted attention. And for the first time since they moved in, her mum came out of  her room, she grabbed Del's arm to turn her around and slap her. She told Del how much of a disgrace she was. With everything she heard, she was disgusted. After their long argument, her mum went back into her room, this time she had Del pack up her stuff and move into that room with her. The last thing I remember from those weeks that followed, was my dad turning to drugs, he brought a different woman home every night. I remember packing up my belongings and getting on a train...and that's how I got here..I had moved in with my Aunt Debra. 

And now, Delaney was getting one the one thing I thought would never leave me. Now Del has Marcel..


A/N: so guys, whatcha think of Ashia's story? Like it? Hate it? Comment About It! xx

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