Chapter Twenty-Two

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M a r c e l

It's been two days since I kissed Ashia, and two days since Del last talked to me. Both things driving me insaine. I love Del, but I loved Ashia first..

But the more that I think about it, the more I think about how much time has past since me and Ashia have actually acted like we did before I came to school dressed down. 

And the more I think about that, the more I realize that Ashia didn't want to have any kind of relationship, other than friendship, with me until I came to school dressed down.

Though, Ashia has seen me dressed down before that, and she didn't change in the manner she did now. Wait, if Ashia's seen me dressed down before, then why was she sending 'Harry' those tweets and being all flirty with me? That's something I'm going to have to ask her next time she lets me talk to her. 



"I-uh- Hello, is Ashia there?"

"May I ask who's calling?"

"Her friend Zayn.."

"Oh okay, here she is."

"Thank you."


"Uh-guess again.."

"God, what the hell do you want?!"

"I just want to talk..."

"Well, I don't, goodbye Marcel."

"Wait no Ashia do-"


A s h i a

After quickly hanging up the phone, I went back over to the counter were two very preppy girls in high-waisted shorts and low cuts shirts. One had long blonde hair dip dyed pink, while the other had long thin brown hair dip dyed blue. They looked like those hipster girls you'd see on Tumblr. 

"Hello, welcome to Chill. My name is Ashia and are these two cups your final order?"

"No duh."

"I know right, she's so dumb."

"I'm not dumb, I'm just talking down."

"What does that even mean?"

"I don't even know."

"Your total is $23.71"

"Oh ok, that's pretty cheap."

''Thank you, have a nice day."

"Yeah whatever."

I have to say, that was the third worst group of people you can get as a customer here. 


"I'm clocking out Veronica!"

"Okay, oh hey, what's Zayn's favorite movie?"

"Uh- I think it's The Hangover."

"Okay thanks girlie!"


"He asked me on a movie night date at his place, said I could pick the movie."

"Well, good luck to the both of you."

"Thanks girlie."

I walked out of Chill and over to my car, it was weird helping Veronica out with her date with my ex boyfriend, but hey, me and Zayn were in the past, and him and V were in the future. 

I only wish me and Marcel were in the future,but with the way Del's playing her games, that'll never happen.



A/N: sorry this chapter sucks. 

Written In DorkWhere stories live. Discover now