Chapter Three

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         Over the past few weeks, Ashia and me have completely stopped talking. I guess she assumed the worst in the meaning behind what I had told her. But if this is what she wanted then, it's what she sure got. I'd love to tell her that I still want to talk to her on those sleepless nights, but she's with Zayn still. They've officially gone public with it too. It hurts me it really does, and I so very much wish I could ask her to message me tonight because I miss her witty, humorous self that made my smile like a ninny and get butterflies in my stomach. But she won't text back, she won't answer my calls, and she no longer gets on her secret Twitter.   

      I feel as though, in a  way, she's dumped me, but we were never actually going out in the first place, though I wouldn't mind if we did or were to go out. But sadly my chances to ask her are far long behind me. And I'll probably never get the chance to even tell her as I feel because she just seems so in love with Zayn. Though you can tell all he's trying to do is get in her pants.

    I wonder if she's let him? I sure hope not. That's a sickening thought. Oh gosh, what if she got pregnant by him, and right now her being in high school! She would have to drop out, well no,her mother would make her get an abortion and her father would sue Zayn's family into the ghetto. *Sigh* If only she would just leave that no good behind and get a guy who would love and treat her as she should be, instead of an arm accessory. Somebody like me I guess, but doesn't ever guy say that in those soppy romance novels my mum reads? 

     Haha, I remember in this new one my mum was reading there was a guy named Alfred who was head of heals for this store clerk and-wait what am I doing? I'm getting distracted. I hate when I do that! 

     I roll over in bed to look at my alarm clock, it's 6:07am. Great, mum is going to be rummaging through the house in about twenty minutes to get ready for work. She always does, and it always disturbs my sleep. Not like sleep is really all that important, I mean I get enough sleep as it is, because generally I'm in bed and asleep by nine every night. It's been like that ever since I was in middle school, mostly because my mother thinks that the longer you sleep at night than in the day, the more of a good day you'll have, and the more you'll want to wake up early on your own. And trust me when I say she's only ever right about one of those things.

      I tuck myself back under the covers, thinking about what would Ashia think if she saw how I looked right now, my hair's it natural messy and curly self, and I don't have my glasses on, and I have my favorite tight black V-neck shirt on. Maybe I should wear this to school on Monday. Hey! Maybe that would impress her...what do you think?

       But what if she still choices Zayn..gosh, I feel like we're in one of those "Team Jacob" and "Team Edward" situations. Is that what this is? "Team Marcel" vs. "Team Zayn" ? If so wouldn't the least expected candidate win? Haha, I doubt I could win the beautiful Ashia's heart....Only in my wildest dreams.


A/N: So what do you guys think? Is this a Team Marcel vs. Team Zayn kind of thing? You tell me and I'll make is happen, and later on in this story I will try and add the other guys like Niall, Liam, and Louis. And maybe fool around and add Veronica. Haha! Only time will tell guys! And also tell me about your opinion on should Marcel dress as Harry for school on Monday or save it for another day? Thank you to every one who reads, votes, and comments, and thank you for giving me all the many reads and votes so soon after I posted this! Means the world! And I'm sorry for another short chapter, I'll try and make a long chapter soon I swear. Bye guys! :D xx

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